180 stock list- will i be full?


Active Member
Pinktail trigger
lunare wrasse
sailfin tang
mappa puffer
queen angel
what do you think? am I full?


Active Member
IMO, you'd be more than full. I'd nix the queen angel or sailfin tang. That's a lot of big pushy fish that will all be competing for the available real estate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish1031
how about
pinktail trigger
lunare wrasse
sailfin tang
naso tang
queen angel
You just substituted the puffer for a naso, which would be even more cramped. A full grown naso is much too large for a 180. Again, cut back on the number of huge fish, not replace one with another.


Active Member
this is why i go with little fish i have 10 fish in my 150 and could put another ten in there...tobin


Active Member
okay how about:
pinktail trigger
lunare wrasse
mappa puffer
sohal tang
queen angel
i know its the same number but I can always upgrade
I want a 300+ in the next 4 years



Originally Posted by fish1031
okay how about
pinktail trigger
lunare wrasse
mappa puffer
sohal tang
queen angel
i know its the same number but I can always upgrade
I want a 300+ in the next 4 years
that's basically the same as your original list.