180g fish wish list


Active Member
Have fish with *
Queen Angel- juvi
Yellow Tang
Pinktail Trigger
Blue Hippo
Flame Angel
Spiny Box Puffer
Can I add?
Miniatus Grouper
Purple Tang
What else??


actually if they are dwarf angels and large angels they usually can get along ok


Yes, you can keep 1 dwarf and 1 large.
IMO you can keep multiple dwarf's, but only 1 large angel in a tank.
I have a 180, way overstocked (I will probobly get an ear full for this):
1 - V. Lion (8")
1 - Porc. Puffer (5")
1 - Foxface (5")
1 - Blue Hippo Tang (4")
1 - Emperor Angel (4")
1 - Fu Man Lion (3")
2 - Anglers (3" ea.)
1 - Moorish Idol (4")
1 - Racoon Butterfly (3")
1 - DotDash Butterfly (3")
I have had the tank up for more than 1 year, and added fish a few at a time.
Fish Only, with a little live rock, and a lot of extra filtration.
No problems yet, but be careful, and go slow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sprieto
Yes, you can keep 1 dwarf and 1 large.
IMO you can keep multiple dwarf's, but only 1 large angel in a tank.
I have a 180, way overstocked (I will probobly get an ear full for this):
1 - V. Lion (8")
1 - Porc. Puffer (5")
1 - Foxface (5")
1 - Blue Hippo Tang (4")
1 - Emperor Angel (4")
1 - Fu Man Lion (3")
2 - Anglers (3" ea.)
1 - Moorish Idol (4")
1 - Racoon Butterfly (3")
1 - DotDash Butterfly (3")
I have had the tank up for more than 1 year, and added fish a few at a time.
Fish Only, with a little live rock, and a lot of extra filtration.
No problems yet, but be careful, and go slow.
the only reason i think ud get yelled at is because uve got two anglers in a tank w/ aggressive eaters and aggressive fish, but then again if u rnt having probs then ur ok


Active Member
you already have two tangs - please don't create hate and discontent with another tang.
you can however add a really nice wrasse and a couple of butterflies.
You can also add some schooling small fish like Green Chromis (I know they Damsels but they are docile and love to school)
How about 5 bannerfish? They'll get to about 3-5" but will school thtrough your other fish


The Moorish is doing great.
Eating a lot, and swimming in a "healthy" fashion. I have had him almost 1 month now.
I had a Picasso Trigger before, but it was way to aggresive (same with most Wrasses).
The 2 anglers are a little bit of a head ache now, it's hard to get them to eat.
They only want live shrimp (which I can only get once or twice a week).
1 angler stays in the open and I can get food to it, but the other hides in a boat and I am not sure if he is eating, correction, he ate a Perc. Clown fish I had about a week ago (the last of the small fish in the tank).
The Fu man Lion is also a picky eater (only wanting live) but he puts up a better fight for his share of food when it comes time to feed.
I have to drop 36 to 48 live feeders a time so everyone can get some.
My Blue Hippo Tang is the most aggresive (more than the lions or puffer combined).
No one seems to have ever heard of a mean "Dori", but goes to show, fish personalities vary fish to fish.
I will try and post some pics, but I always have issues.


Active Member
could i do-
blue hippo
pinktail trigger
yellow tang
lunare wrasse
spiny box puffer
volitan lion
queen angel
3- heniochus butterflies- or would I be better off doing a sohal tang instead?


Active Member
i've decided on:
blue hippo
pinktail trigger
yellow tang
lunare wrasse
naso tang
spiny box puffer
volitan lion
miniatus grouper
queen angel
maroon clown


Active Member
I've decided that that is too much and going to stick with these 8 fish.
blue hippo
pinktail trigger
yellow tang
lunare wrasse
naso tang
queen angel
spiny box puffer
volitan lion