180gallon fish ideas???


i have a 180g (6x2x2).
i want to know if these fish will go together?
1-blue jaw trigger (male)
1-blue jaw trigger (female)
1-Humu Humu trigger
1-Niger trigger
1-white tip trigger
1-zebra eel
all of the triggers will be 1-2 inches long.
and the eel will be like 8-12 inches long.
will all of these triggers go together?


Active Member
They'd certainly work together, but in my opinion, you'd need a little bigger tank.
Going with a 180, I'd cut out the Niger and the Whitetip and you'd be good to go.


Active Member
triggers are highly agressive fish each has its own distinct personality they may do ok together they may not its a 50/50 chance with any trigger if going for species tank I suggest skipping the eel trigger love to nibble and could very well nibble the eel to death.ps watch for fingers they do bite :scared:


what really looks cool is 3-4 banner fish.... awesome but triggers might nip at their fins. Emperor angels are fun too. Mine is aggressive only when the clown trigger fish is aggressive. when the trigger fish chases it into its hole, it comes back a few seconds later and sneaks up on the trigger and bites its tail. then it looks at it like IN YOUR FACE