185 Diary

So what I thought was my newly purchased 210 Gallon, was actually a 185.
I am most likely going to do SPS, but not entirely sure.
Pictures of the new equipment and stand build very soon. I would post them now but I lent my friend my 5D for his mission trip to Uganda.
Anyways, Every tank I have ever had I went with a black background, this time round' I think I am going to try the blue. ( IMO looks better in reefs, more reflection) I am curious as to what exact brand and paint name people go with that gives you that really nice blue tone?
Soon as I get my cam back, pics galore. thanks guys


Active Member
NO black is way better loooking.. Unless you get like a dark blue.. I dont like the way baby blue backgrounds look IMO...
But I cant wait to see it set up.. Ill follow along and see what new I can learn
Well the only reason I want to go blue for this SPS, is that it seems like the black always absorbs light. The blues seem to really compliment the white sand.
I am really excited to get this going. I am not rushing anything, I would like to get the best of the best equipment. I am thinking, 250w or 400w Ushio 10,000k (3) pendants. 80 gallon sump. oh it will be fun :)
OH MY!!!
So I happen to find a petstore quite a ways away that has about 5 7 inch long Anglers. I AM SO IN LOVE. I might switch to FOWLR or keep AN LPS instead of SPS as to not injure the angler.
I know right! He's had it for ever now!
Oh well, I guess I can't blaspheme against a mission trip lol. He get's back next week, but in the mean time, anyone know about the drill size question?


Active Member
Lost is awesome! Gotta wait til 2009 though! Prison break is the other show I watch - restart Sept 1st. woohoo!
Lost is.....for lack of better words, the best thing to ever come to television. I have seen every episode 4 times now. (I know, no life) Anyways, I forgot I had a point and shoot camera from years and years ago that was packed in storage, so I got it out and shot some pics. I'll have em up in a minute. :)
Here's some of the the stuff I got today.
I didn't feel like putting in all of it, lol, it would have been really cramped. I actually have 2 more bags of salt, which I got at 5.99$ per bag ( what a steal!!) and another bucket of salt. 3 more Koralias, so 4 in total.

Here's the tank. Nothing going on yet, just some skimmer parts in there. I haven't decided if I am going to drill it or take it downtown to the glass depot.

My wife and I have decided to use the 75 gallon for the sump. Right now it's housing "Shish" As my son called him before he could pronounce fish. Hes a 10 inch oscar.

I didn't realize my hairline has gone back that far...


Active Member
Personally, I would drill and put in the megaflows... I sure like them.
And just wondering... what are the dimensions on that 185? interesting size.. haven't seen it before.
And that stand on your 75 - pretty cool! I like the trim/detailing.. very nice. What are you using for the stand of the 185? and is the 75 actually going to be in the stand?
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Personally, I would drill and put in the megaflows... I sure like them.
Do you think with the weird height, that the mega flows wouldn't fit in correctly?
Originally Posted by Hefner413
And just wondering... what are the dimensions on that 185? interesting size.. haven't seen it before.
haha, Tell me about it, that's why I was so confused about the actual gallons till I went home and calculated it.
its a 180 tall or 72x18x32
Originally Posted by Hefner413

What are you using for the stand of the 185? and is the 75 actually going to be in the stand?
I am going to build a stand similar to the one I built for the 75. I most likely wont be as intricate. I will build the stand with housing room for the 75 :)
I also found this information, whether or not its credulous, I don't know but that's what my Aquarium calculator tells me.
Water Type..............................Saltwater
Tank Overhead Shape.....................Rectangular
Length..................................72.00 in.
Width...................................18.00 in.
Height..................................32.00 in.
Wall-thickness..........................4.00 in.
Volume..................................179.53 gal (US)
Tank Material Weight....................3138.05 lbf
Water Volume............................172.37 gal (US)
Water Weight............................1464.48 lbf
Substrate Type..........................Sand
Average Substrate Depth.................2.00 in.
Substrate Weight........................138.04 lbf
Approximate Total Weight................4740.57 lbf
Room Air Temperature....................77.00 °F
Water Temperature.......................79.00 °F
Heating Capability Required.............22.44 W
Approx. Total Fish Length...............27.00 in.
Mass Required for 1 PPM.................664.28 mg
Originally Posted by The Egregious
Anyways, Every tank I have ever had I went with a black background, this time round' I think I am going to try the blue. ( IMO looks better in reefs, more reflection) I am curious as to what exact brand and paint name people go with that gives you that really nice blue tone?
I went with a dark blue background and I think it looks really nice. I chose a dark blue rustoleum satin spray paint. Here's what mine looks like.
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