189 gallon owners


I do not currently have a 180, but I used to. It was the standard 6X2X2 size in acrylic with blu background. It was a SeaClear brand. For filtration I had a large wet/dry with a Fluval canister filter and a heater. Thats it. It had dead coral skeletons and sand substrate. For fish, it always had big aggressives like triggers and groupers. For a time I moved to Florida and took the tank with me. Down there I had various wild caught fish. I would catch them while diving. Same filtration system. I did use natural seawater for water changes while living so close to the ocean.
Now looking back, this tank was UNDER filtrated. It would have been much better and healthier if live rock was used. But back then I didnt even know what live rock was.
Currently I have a 38, a 120 and a 450. The 38 and 120 are up and running, both with lots of live rock, both with wet/dry filters and live sand beds. The 120 has a skimmer on it. The tanks are lightly stocked with fish, so not a very high bio load. The 450 is empty right now, awaiting drywall in the room it is goin in. The big boy will be running with a 100 gallon sump and 4000 gph return pump(have both already) there will be a Euro-Reef CS12-3 or CS12-4 skimmer, a few hundred pounds of live rock, a 3 inch sand bed and some other form of mechanical filtration that I have not yet decided on.
So there you go. Comments welcome....


copper tank with just dead rock, sand, and aggressive fish. I think I am going to make a wet/dry out of my 85 gallon. I need some help with that, anyone know how or where online i can find directions on how to do that with a 85 gallon tank. thanks.


We have a 180 aggressive tank with DSB, dual built-in overflows that run into a wet/dry, titanium heater, protein skimmer and UV steralizer. Check out the DIY section of this board, I have seen some great ideas in there that can help you build your own wet/dry, use the search to help narrow it down. :)