190 gallon


ok I need some help here. First of all I found a 190 gallon tank, stand, canapy, 6 48" lights in the canapy, all the mechanical stuff, what all that consists of Im not sure, 200 pounds of live rock, fish and many many xtras the guy told me. I can get all of this for 850.00. Is this a good deal or what. He said he had well over 4000.00 in the setup. I have the money please tell me what you think.


I think so too. Only if I can convince my wife. This guy said that he just put in a swimming pool and didnt have time to maintain both of them.


if you get what he said you can have for 850 i would buy it if i could after i made sure nothing was wrong with anything that he is giving you. if everything is good, the go for it :jumping:


ok I went today and looked at it...ITS AWSOME...he is giving me all the fish and everything! I will start getting it on Tuesday. Any suggestions on yhe best way to move it?


I live about 20 miles away. I am going to have to have several 30 gal trash cans with lids(plastic of course and new). Its going to take some hard work but I think that it is worth it.


I just went to Miami (130mi away) on Thursday for some equipment and LR. The rock had a lot of polyps, mushrooms, GSp etc. I took several of those rubbermaid plastic storage bins with the lids that snap on and some SW. We put the rock in the bins and siphoned what he didn't need of the tank water into them and loaded them in the trunk. The trip back took about 2.5 hours and everything is doing fine. I would guess you could use several of old salt buckets with the lids to transport the fish as well. Good luck.:)


thanks for all of the info. I am going to get several plastic totes. I want to try and get much as the water that I can. I am going to start moving it at around 6:30 tom evening. I am so excited I want to list all of the stuff again.
1) 190 gal oceanic aquarium with overflow. Even the wiring is hidden on this baby..the wiring goes through a pvc pipe inside the tank.He bought it as a walk around setup.
2) All the mechanical supplies...protein skimmer, powerheads, sump, lights( 6 5ft vho flourescents with 2 of them actintic.)
3) 200 # of live rock with coraline all over them.
4) 3 yellow tangs, several damsels, moon wrasse, 2 percs, several inverts and corals.
5) Fans built inside top and bottom.
6) Stand and canopy
850.00 gets it all! The system is only 4 years old. CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!