1970's tank

david a p

New Member
I have a 50 gal slate bottom tank with metal edges .It has been a fresh water tank for the 17 years I have owned it.I want to switch to salt, any idea how much it is worth? It has a matching stand too.
David, don't think conversion to salt is a good idea. Salt water will corrode any metal (w/ a FEW exceptions). Slate MAY support the weight maybe not, plus the chemical interactions in saltwater combined with that material could lead to nightmarish interactions in a saltwater environment.

mr . salty

Active Member
Slate bottom with metal edges,I'm guessing it's older than the 70's.Probably more like the 60's.I remember my parents having tanks like that when I was in elementary school(60's).How much is it worth?????The thing is that everything is worth money to someone.The trick is finding that person.If I were you I would get the saltwater out of there as soon as possible,and clean it up real good.Then take some pics and post it on ----.Set a rather high reserve so that it doesn't get sold too cheap.This way you can get a feel for it's value.


I also remember the metal edged tanks in elementary school in the 60's. I don't recall the slate bottom on the tank though. As I remember, it seems like the metal was stainless steel, so maybe it will work with saltwater. Good luck on selling it.