1st Fish


Active Member
Royal Gramma, Blackcap Basslet (not both, one or the other)
Firefish (Purple or Red or Helfinci (sp?) if you have deep pockets)
Bar Goby, Scissortail Goby


Give it a week or two to let the fish get adjusted. Personally i dont add more than one fish a week usually. (sometimes i do if i order them online). I really like my royal gramma and my 6line. (which is a case where i would add them at the same time) i have heard there can be issues with territory, i added my 6 line first and my royal gramma about 2 months later and personally i didn't have any issues but that is not to say it can't happen. A dwarf angel would be cool too IMO. Only one angel per tank though. Maby flame angel or coral beauty. I have a rusty angel in my 65 and i really like that too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gbfan41649
Clown fish
finally something to look at besides snails and rock.
Put in 3 turbo snails and emerald crab with clownfish Yesterday.
How long should I wait befor I add another fish?
Any sugesstion on what fish or inverts. next for cleaner crew?
Ammon still at 0 this morning
I wait 3 weeks inbetween adding each livestock unless it's a pair. You want to give your biofiltration time to catch up.

I have 2 False percs
2 firefish
1 B. cardinal
1 royal gramma
1 6 line wrasse
in my 55reef.