1st of March...

nm reef

Active Member
Kewl...I was hopeful that folks would share their clam pics....great looking specimans!!!! Eric....the tear drop is a beauty.....all of the others are too. Thanks for sharing y'all....


Absolutely amazing clams... wow...
I wanna get me a maxima soon but im not quie sure of clam husbandry... Wat do they eat?


Active Member

Originally posted by Lamaface
Absolutely amazing clams... wow...
I wanna get me a maxima soon but im not quie sure of clam husbandry... Wat do they eat?

They are amazing..great pics guys!To answer your question,croceas and maximas are the most light demanding tridacna clams.They should have metal halide lighting.They are also rock boring clams,and should be placed in the rockwork..high up.Your tank should be at least a year old.It is recommended that you start with an easier to keep squamosa or derasa.They do not need additional feeding..just the light.

nm reef

Active Member
They really don't require much more than adaquate lighting and stable water chemistry. There is tons of information on their care on-line....a goggle search will provide lots of experience/info......


do u guys think a squamosa would be ok under 4 96 watt pc's? ive seen some that looked really nice under this same setup and what ive read said they are fine under pc's but im just not absolutly sure


I dont mean to hijack or anything, but are clams filter feeders or do they just need strong lights like shrooms and zoos? Also, how long do you have to wait for your tank to be set up?? I doubt if 2 months would be ok for a clam :notsure: :notsure:


Like NM Reef said above they require a lot of light and stable water quality, when they are younger they also need phytoplankton. MH lighting is really required for them to keep their true colors unless you go with certain lower light deresas. Two months is a somewhat young I would wait a little while, they are very touchy and usually not cheap.

nm reef

Active Member
GregM779...absolutely beautiful blue spotted squamosa!!!!!!!!!! Not a clam you see every day.....if I could locate one I'd be real tempted to pick it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!