1st pic of tank ever


All right this is a horrible picture taken with a disposable 35 mm camera, but it is the first to ever document the existence of my tank...so I thought I would put it up.
This is a 40 gallon breeder with...
60 lbs. of live rock
90 lbs. of live sand
32 gallon sump/fuge
csl 192w light hood
Euro-reef skimmer
SCWD wavemaker on return
plus other equipment
One firefish and a diverse cleaner-crew.
I want to make it a reef tank, but don't want to add much of anything right now as I will be moving at the end of the summer. So, my tank will just get to mature right now and stay as a FOWLR & LS. It is 8 months old.


New Member
looks really good.
is thAT 60# of lr?
if so, i am in trouble. my 55 looks like a baron wasteland, i was going to add a bunch, but that stuff is super$$$$$$$


Thanks for the comment.
Yeah, it is 60 lbs.
It doesn't look like much in the pic, but the tank is 18 in width (so it is actually wider than it is tall) and the rock is about 1.5 inches from the walls on each side at the closest points. So it is very wide with lots of rock filling all that area.
Actually, I was suprised that I have 90 lbs. of sand. I just added it up when I posted the pic and was shocked! I had forgetten how much I had purchased.


I do get jealous of other peoples tanks, though. I know it is good to take it slow, but I see tanks with tons of corals and are a few months younger than mine. But, since I will be graduating and moving I don’t want to take the chance of killing any precious/expensive corals.


Active Member
taking it slow is so much smarter! Really! When I first started, I tried to do it very fast...BIG MISTAKE. Then again, when I first started, I didn't have a board like this to go to for advice!
As for a reef tank...it's always a work in progress--that's half the fun!


Active Member

Originally posted by polarpooch
taking it slow is so much smarter! Really! When I first started, I tried to do it very fast...BIG MISTAKE. Then again, when I first started, I didn't have a board like this to go to for advice!
As for a reef tank...it's always a work in progress--that's half the fun!

God i love it when you talk dirty!!


Yeah that is good...what do they call it...base rock? Rock can be pretty cheap to very expensive depending on what kind it is.