Here are the 1st couple pics I've been able to get to the right size to post I know there not great shot but would love feedback on what you fellow hobbiest think.
It been up for 10 months or so.All has gone real smooth I haven't cut cost on anything and its run great since day one.KNock on wood :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
I just put a sally light foot crab in a month or so ago he has tore off almost have my coraline little bastered.Wish I didn't put him in that is all he does is pick my coraline
I was wondering if there is anything you fellow hobbiest think I could do to improve the tank. Any recommend coral to add always looking for ideas.
Originally Posted by jjlittle
I was wondering if there is anything you fellow hobbiest think I could do to improve the tank. Any recommend coral to add always looking for ideas.
A decent sized Frogspawn or Hammer would look nice in there and provide some green.
I have alot of green in there the pic doesn;t show it well. I am always looking for corals with colors other then brown, green would like something different any suggestions of corals that are out of the box colors other then I zoo's which I know come all different colors.
I have always been a sucker for blue shrooms, and yellow leathers. that should be some nice color, and the other day at the lfs i saw a pink tip elegance, that was real nice.
i keep thinking of the different types of corals you could get, and upon closer inspection of your pictures, you've already got them all!!! Looks like you have one of everything!!
yes i have wide veriety of coral anf types It is just hard to find some really cool colors in your lfs other then green , yellow ,brown.Thanks for the comments.