1st sick fish...Please help!


Ok, here's the info:
I've had this tank (which came with the fish) for a month now. I bought it off of someone. It is a 75 gal. tank.
What I have in my tank: LR, LS, a clownfish percula, a sailfin tang, a yellow tang, a naso tang, a blue chromis, 9 pretty large snails, and a few small crabs.
These are my readings currently: PH - 8.0, Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 10, Salinity - 1.024, Temp - 82-84 (it's been warm and I've trying to cool it off as much as possible)
My blue chromis has exhibited sickly signs since yesterday. He usually floats at the top of the tank all day long, but yesterday he started to float near the bottom. I thought it was strange, but I thought maybe he just wanted a change. However, today I looked at him and noticed that he is not eating and is breathing really hard. He just looks sick. He is like 1/2 an inch off of the sandbed.
Does anyone know what this could be??? Thanks in advance for the help!

big pete

could have something to do with your temp., try cool it down to 79-80...keep posting more info. is it just your chromis? the tank might be overstocked/he may be stressed. cant really say. hit us up with more info hope things go ok


I have tried to cool it down...it's so hard without a chiller. I have fans blowing on the tank, and I put 2 liter bottles with frozen water into the sump to cool the water. Any other ideas?
It is just the chromis. The other fish look completely happy and well. They are all swimming around like crazy and eating normally. I also don't think he would be too stressed because he's supposedly lived with these other fish for a least a couple of years now. They all get along really well. The tank doesn't look overstocked at all...all of the fish are pretty small in size for their species.
I really appreciate the help...thanks again.


I was just looking at him again, and he finally moved into another position where I could see his other side. It looks like he got hurt by something. Possibly stabbed by a tang? That's the best guess I have.


Well, thanks anyway, but I found him dead this morning. This is my first fish to die, and I really didn't think I would be this upset about it. I just feel like...if only I could have done something more.

big pete

im really sorry to hear that, if it helps, your tangs look great


Staff member
There really is no way to know for sure. Likely an attack.
Just so you know, these chromis really do better if you get at least 2.