1st waterchange


I will be doing my 1st water change this week and was wondering if anything needs to be used with RO/DI water.
I see some chemicals are available but are they necessary?


Not for a water change, just add salt to get your right salinity level. Many people will salt the water and let it sit with a powerhead for a day or two to totally mix. Add calcium or other trace elements to your tank as usual after the water change, but not necessary to do anything special to the water. You might also want to heat your new water before changing so you don't cause a major shock to your system. Otherwise, I think that's it!


Active Member
Why are you doing a water change? What do you have in the tank? How old is the tank? How much of a water change? What are your water parameters? What size is your tank? Sorry to ask so many questions but hard to help without knowing your situation
Additives depend on what you have in there and what you are going to be doing with the tank.


Hi - I was wondering how everyone accomplishes their water changes. I am brand new, still cycling a fish only 55 gal. My aquarium store has said to change 25% each week for the first 4 weeks. Anyway, to get 12.5 gallons, mixed and heated was quite a challenge. What does everyone else do??? Thanks, Elysa
PS - Any suggestions for nice first fish - that will get along with other fish later - would be welcome too.


They told you to do a water ,change durfing the cycle? I am no expert but as far as I know you should not do a water change during the cycle. Wait tell all you readings are at ) before doing a water cahnge. maybe someone else can telll you more about that.
As far as a first fish make sure al your cycle has completed before adding any fish. Then it depends on what you ant to keep in you tank.


I live in Northern Ca on a lake called Clearlake. It is basically in the boondocks. Our lfs has a wopping 8 tanks of saltwater fish and they say they have more than any other fish store within 2 hours of us. Scary, I know, but it is all we have! They are very nice and very helpful and really seem to know what they are talking about. In any case as a complete newbie, they and the internet are all I have. I had no idea that I might not do a water change during cycle. But, I have now twice, 25% changes. I am near the end of the cycle and am trying to determine first fist. I will post a new topic about this I think. Thanks!