2-1/2 month old reef tank


This is my reef tank I started Dec 20, 2007. It has come a long way in 2 months. What do you folks think? It has been a great project and I just cant seem to get enough of it.



I am new to the hobby, but it seems like an awful lot of stuff added in 2.5 months. Nice looking though.


Active Member
...and where did all the corals come from?
Either this is a transfer tank, or somethings up with these pics. But not a start from scratch 2 month old tank


No, live rock is not stacked up against back glass accept at the very top. And believe it or not this is a tank that I started from scratch back in december, I know I went to quickly with all the corals but all is well and doing fine as of now. This tank had a quick cycle of 7-days, I started of with 120 pounds of carib. live sand and a couple of shrimp and everthing just took off, quickest I have ever had a tank to cycle. All the rock in the tank was just basically dead rock as I got it from a guy who had tore his tank down around a year and a half ago and all the rock was in tupperware containers, it is all fiji rock and is coming along great, I did add a few pieces of live rock when I started the tank up to seed the other rock. The rock is now starting to get coralline algae on it and is starting to look as well as the live rock I bought when I started the tank. I am super prowd of the way it has proggresed. I have been keeping saltwater fish only tanks for around 10 years now but this is my first reef tank I have ever started.


Active Member
Very nice job
It looks as if its been established for a lot longer than 2 months. Very clean too.

matt b

Active Member
VERY NICE!!! But I want more specs
Like lighting a sump maybe a pic of the sump. I am a sucker for pix


The lighting is 2-250 watt metal halides with 12K reeflux bulbs with supplimental 260-watt pc actinics, also has 4 moon lights. As for the sump I am in the progress of upgrading it to a larger sump the one in the pic is a 20-gallon long. The stand and canopy I built myself.



Sweet looking tank,love all the piles of rock. I see that you are using a berlin skimmer,a word for the wise,I would sit that thing in some sort of rubbermaid container since you dont have it in your sump. They are notorious for clogging and/or flooding for some reason or no reason at all. Make sure you keep all the airholes and lines very clean and it will do a great job for you,get lazy about it and be prepared for an epic flood :}