2.5 gallon setup for sale


I have a 2.5 gallon tank setup if anybody wants it for a sump, FW tank, or attempt a SW nano tank. It's a 2.5 gallon acrylic mini-bow by All glass aquarium. Comes with 25w elite heater, elite stingray 5 internal filter (with inserts), 10w cp fluescent bulb, two fake plants and other small items if you want. It's less than a year old, in good condition, filter's less than a month old too. I'm trying to sell it to get money for a 10 or 20 gallon nano tank so let me know if you are interested.


That's the tank, sorry no pics as I have no digital camera.
that's the filter
that's the bulb I have
that's similar to the heater I have
I also have other little extras I can throw in if you want but that's the main stuff.
I paid 35$ for the tank which was a rip off I know and 8 for the heater, 11 for the filter, 10 for the bulb. The filter is almost new so I would kinda like 35-40 for everything. I can throw in some gravel, fake plants, thermometer, lee's corner filter, carbon packets if you want, i'll have to look what else I have. Anything else you wana know let me know, I really want to sell this because I really need the money so let me know.