2.5 Gallon tank. What to do...?


So I have a 2.5 g tank laying around and I've with the idea of making it into a tank for zoas and other small frags.
Any advice on what equipment to get? I can make water changes every day if needed to reduce the equipment needed.
Any help will be very much appreciated


Active Member
there are these metal halides that are like cubes and they cost around 250. kinda expensive but really cool. u could kinda hang it over the tank and ur zoos with just multiply like CRAZY.


Active Member
dont go over board wasting that much for MH. if its a zoas tank PC or t5 or even the new brite light moon w.e they are called could work fine!


I'm probably just going to keep pc lights or maybe, just maaaaybe get a t5, but I want it as low cost as possible since it's not going to be anything fancy as display tank


Fill it with tap water and put in a sweet betta!
HA j/k. Sexy shrimp only would be cool, or if you can afford to feed harlequin shrimp. Rics on bottom (go bare bottom btw, zoas on rocks, and a green birdnest for the centerpiece.


Originally Posted by WorrBaller
Fill it with tap water and put in a sweet betta!
HA j/k. Sexy shrimp only would be cool, or if you can afford to feed harlequin shrimp. Rics on bottom (go bare bottom btw, zoas on rocks, and a green birdnest for the centerpiece.
I already have a betta and I give him ro/di water

But that's exactly what I was thinking, probably just a small shrimp and a bunch of zoas and rics. Would the birds nest survive just under pc's though?


^18 watts of awesomness. I think PC's are the only light that you can use the watts per gallon with. If so that is ~9 watts per gallon.
IMO If you put it up at the top you'll be fine. If not, it'll be a nice addition to your DT.


Originally Posted by WorrBaller
^18 watts of awesomness. I think PC's are the only light that you can use the watts per gallon with. If so that is ~9 watts per gallon.
IMO If you put it up at the top you'll be fine. If not, it'll be a nice addition to your DT.
+1 I just set up a 5.5 gallon and i have this same light fixture over my tank and it looks great! highly reccomended


Active Member
why dont you get a t5 fixture better? the color will amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you wont be disappointed


Originally Posted by nissan577
why dont you get a t5 fixture better? the color will amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you wont be disappointed
I agree but the 2.5 is only a foot long and im fairly certain that the smallest t5 fixtures are all 24 inches... i was thinking about upgrading my pcs but couldnt find a small enough t5 fixture


^ LED's are the future! They have some amazing DIY kits out there. PAR rating equal to MH.
Or I just ran across these:
First one is Azoo Neo Light
Second one is the Taam Rio Mini Sun. My lfs has a 3g pico with two of these over it. They have it full of live rock with a powerhead for filtration. So it is enough light for the beneficial bacteria and such.


Originally Posted by Superhero
I agree but the 2.5 is only a foot long and im fairly certain that the smallest t5 fixtures are all 24 inches... i was thinking about upgrading my pcs but couldnt find a small enough t5 fixture
They are kind of hard to find but they do make T5s at 18'', I use one on my 10 gallon. Its still a little big for this, but it is smaller than 24''.


A 24" is a bit too big for the 2.5 I want keep it next to my desk so it wouldn't look right. I'm liking that Azoo Neo Light. If I can't find anything different, I think i;ll gibe that one a try


Active Member
I was watching this thread closely. I have a one gallon milk jug laying around. I was thinking a 400w M.H. and a Red Sea 300 gph skimmer. I figure I can keep a Sohal and like 10# of LR. I figure the tuna can sump/refugium will suffice for filtration. Sorry, sarcasm. I honestly cannot see putting ten cents into a 2.5 gal SW tank. I'm with the poster who said throw a betta in it and call it a day.


Originally Posted by mantisman51
I was watching this thread closely. I have a one gallon milk jug laying around. I was thinking a 400w M.H. and a Red Sea 300 gph skimmer. I figure I can keep a Sohal and like 10# of LR. I figure the tuna can sump/refugium will suffice for filtration. Sorry, sarcasm. I honestly cannot see putting ten cents into a 2.5 gal SW tank. I'm with the poster who said throw a betta in it and call it a day.
NO WAY!! You could throw a 2.5 gallon together for under 100 bucks easily...Thats like a weeks worth of work for a lifetime of enjoyment... i just bought a 5.5 with everything (lr, ls, pc light, heater, filter, thermometer) for 65 bucks (Craigslist is the way to go!!)... Throw 3 sexy shrimp in there and add an array of softies, rics, and zoanthids and ta-da!!! a beauitful little nano you get to look at and get enjoyment from every time you sit at your desk... and stay away from bettas they are the most booring fish of all time and most people dont take adequate care of them to begin with... they think that a little gallon bowl a plant no heater and no water changes is enough to keep these fish healthy and happy... its not!
Sorry i used to work at Petsmart and hated selling bettas to people because i knew that probally 80-85% of them would not be taken care of properly


Active Member
Do nothing but Zoas in it, i plan on gettin a 3g JBJ pico soon with the Nano tuners LED light mod. With the MOdded lights it will be like having a 70W MH over tank