2.5g Nano Up today!!!


Well today (after the hood melted last night..100w bulb in 15w socket..bad story.. DONT DO IT) i bought 3 gallons of salt water, 1 pound of live sand( from the bottom of a LFS tank) and 3 lbs of live rock. The rock is just awesome! One of them has numerous empty barnacle cavities on it. The other piece of live rock has a HUGE (for a 2.5 g tank) piece of coral on it. Its all bleached white right now, but my girlfriend SWEARS that already some brown coral life is coming out of it. We dont have a digital camera so pictures are gonna be tough. But we are going to try and identify it via pictures. I also bought a small (for 5-15g tank) HOB filter for it. Its a freshwater filter (tetratec i think) Its just for water circulation... i should have tremendous flow in this little tank.
Im gonna get my girlfriend to sign up here since im at work and shes at home with the tanks. She can describe it better if anyone wants to take a stab at identifying
But the lil nano is up and running.
OH! The light running over it is one of those PC's that screw into a normal incandescent socket. Its a 60w output, so i would think that would be a great ammount of light for the coral.


nice, i have a 10gal nano myself. im getting a 28 watt compact fluorscent light tomorrow. plus my 15 watt 50/50. i think i should be ok on lighting...? anyways, check out my post under reef tanks for idea if you would like : vibes 10gal. nano. my friend php made the thread because he has the digital camera;) . good luck with tank.


Active Member
very cool!! Want to see some pictures!! Do you have a normal 60 watt CP in the socket?? That might not be the best as the light will cause some algea growth, etc. How big a space do you have in the hood or can you make your own?? You can always get some cool retrofits for a little nano!!!
What are your future plans for the nano?? They are a lot of work but they are fun!!


Yea the light is just one of the normal ones you would get to replace an incandescent bulb. Im trying to find one to fit the hood that has at least a 6400k output. IM afraid the one thats in there is probably abour 24-2800. So im figuring it may cause some algea blooms. The hood is absolutely tiny. Its a Mini-Bow 2.5, and only has one socket and one spot for a bulb. Im already thinking since ihave this coral possibly growing on my liverock that I may need to just buy a clamp on light that would have a better temperature output. As far as the turnover goes i THINK im roughly 90gph out of this filter :) So with about a gallon and a half of actual water im running HUGE turnover rates.
The plan is to put a small fish in the tank. We had wanted an Orchid Dottyback , but apparently they are very active and need LOTS of space. So the thought is now leaning towards a clown goby perhaps. Other than that.. there are major plans yet. Tho if the coral starts growing nice, it may end up with much more coral in it than originally planned. Pics will be up as soon as i can get some film and get them developed.


Active Member
Hip - first - welcome to the board (how rude of me to not say that earlier!!!)
Second - clown gobies rock - I have a green in my 5 now but he will be moving to my 20 soon. I wantto get a yellow one for hte 5 eventually - maybe a pair .....
Yeah I think a clamp on or a home made one would be the way to go!! I know jbj makes some clamp on fug lights which would work!!
If you get an algea bloom you will have to be doing 50% water changes all the time to help keep the bloom down ... of course that is only 1.25 gallons - but that owuld streess everything out!@!!!


Thanks :) Ive posted a few times .. mostly about the 100g im trying to setup :)
Im very worried about an algea bloom... between the 3lbs of rock and the 2 inches or so of sand theres only about a gallon and a half or so in the tank :). Now the filter i have on it i think does 90gph so there may be too much water movment for the algea to take hold.. at least i hope so :)


Active Member

Originally posted by hip68
Thanks :) Ive posted a few times .. mostly about the 100g im trying to setup :)
Im very worried about an algea bloom... between the 3lbs of rock and the 2 inches or so of sand theres only about a gallon and a half or so in the tank :). Now the filter i have on it i think does 90gph so there may be too much water movment for the algea to take hold.. at least i hope so :)

algea is one of the most basic forms of life - it can grow in the most inhospital of environments!!! Good luck though - shoot me an e-mail I cna give you some sites that sell small retro fits which would work out really well if you wanted to make you own hood.
With that much flow some green star polyps woudl look cool (I'd say xenia but your tank would be over run in short order!!)


clown gobi is definatly a good choice of account of they stay nice and small. another option would be a very small wrasse. i picked up a neon wrasse the other day and i love this little guy. they stay small, and look really nice, and are very cheap. i got mine at my LFS for 6.99. he is yellow with a neon blue stripe through him. great fish with a great personality. just a suggestion :) . i hope to see some pic of progress. i love nanos as well. good luck:D