2.8 gal Pico


Active Member
Thought I would post some pics of my 2.8 gal pico tank. I just bought the purple ricordeas this weekend and the pom pom crab is new. Today I put in the two big pieces of rock so everything is not at its best as things had to be moved and are not happy. This tank has been running for 1 month now, but all contents except for the new purple ric and the two big rocks are from a previous tank that has been going for 4 yrs.
This is whats in it:
2.8 gal
9" 18 watt coralife 50/50 p/c light
25 watt heater
Mini Nano hob filter
1 tiny bumble bee goby
1 hermit crab
1 nassarius snail
1 very adorable Pom Pom Crab
Rock of green star polyps
Orange Florida Ricordea
Purple Florida Ricordea
Purple Yuma Ricordea
Pink/Green Yuma Ricordea
3 types of zoas
Small feather duster



Active Member
Thanks all, the fish. Well if he will stay still long enough I will get a pic for you. Sometimes he perches on the rock so then I can snap one. He is all of 1"
long they don't get any bigger than that. They are know to be brackish fish but I have had this one in this tank for a while now.
I don't plan on putting anything else in this tank really. It is to small for more fish but I might put in some sexy shrimp at some point.
Yes the gsp do look lush they are so hardy I know most people don't like them but I do. I have mine on a rock so they cannot creep onto anything else. If they do they will be cut back.
Love the pom pom crab, could not find him after putting in that rock yesterday but this morning I found his den and now I can see him so glad he did not decide to take residence at the back of the tank where i cannot see him. They are just way to cute.


Active Member
No, he just went in there right after he was put in the tank and before I bought the new rock so I snapped a picture just in case I could not get a pic of him again.
In the full tank pic the rock on the right side behind the gsp is where he hides out. I can see him when I look in the tank, a picture might not be possible there though. But at least I can see him.


Active Member
Here are 2 pics I just took 5 min ago of the tank this morning. Not much of a change but thought I would post it. The goby was perched at the bottom so here is a pic of him and you might be able to see the area of the rock on the right I was talking about where the crab hides out. You can see the arch there and that is where he is.



Active Member
Thank you for the compliments....
I love it too.
Yes I do weekly water changes of 1 litre or 4 cups.
Yes it does not cost alot to keep something like this, a bag of salt goes a loooong way which is nice.
The only thing I have to do yet is the molding around the top of the tank. It is what they call a rimless tank which are becoming very popular. What I want to do is get hubby to help me and use a molding in black that would hold my fixture. Right now the fixture is just sitting on two small pieces of thin wood so I could make sure the height was good enough. I cannot use legs for this fixture and the black molding would be just the perfect finishing touch.


Active Member
haha yea i bet you wont need any salt for a while!! my ten gallon is not to back but i had a 55 gallon before so its all relative!


Active Member
The tank just does not have that black plastic around the top edge that the other tanks have. It is just glass nothing special I don't think.
Maybe rimless is something different


Originally Posted by Debbie
The tank just does not have that black plastic around the top edge that the other tanks have. It is just glass nothing special I don't think.
Maybe rimless is something different

No that's exactly what it means, but full tank shots are just my favorite