2 angels in same tank


New Member
so i kinda got a wild hair... can i put 2 angels in the same tank. i was thinking about a dwarf and a large angel. can they both be added in a 90 gallon. or am i asking for trouble


Active Member
It's workable, but all of the "large" angels will be too large for a 90. Some of the genicanthus sp. angels stay smaller and are fairly hardy. Dwarf angels usually get along well with their larger cousins. What species were you thinking of?


Active Member
eh, a 90 gallon would be to small for 2 angels, i say go with one dwarf angel and that should work out well


New Member
well im not really sure what kinds i want but im leaning towards a flame angel for the dwarf and either the annularis or french... i like the body style of these fish... with the long extended fins. maybe even possibly the koren or the queen angels... i just really like these fish and want more than one in my tank...


Active Member
well with a 90 gallon tank, most people on this site would advise u to only go with one angel, preferably a dwarf. to put a large angel such as an analarius or a french ( which will get very large 10-12 inches ) would just be too tight of a fit. and to put a large angel with a dwarf, you just dont have the room to do it. i know this is hard to hear, but this is my advice. but; the cool thing about being human is that u have ur own free agency, soooo, if u really want to do it, then do it, but me, as well as others here, would say its not a smart thing to do. just not enough room to do it and will be hard on ur water paramaters


Active Member
Originally Posted by racer1113
well im not really sure what kinds i want but im leaning towards a flame angel for the dwarf and either the annularis or french... maybe even possibly the koren or the queen angels... i just really like these fish and want more than one in my tank...
Neither of the large species you list will work in a tank your size. While they're not terribly fast growing fish, these all need systems in the 200 gallon range as adults. I would avoid any fish from the holocanthus/pomacanthus families. They simply grow much too large and would not fare well in your system. Most are also extremely aggresive so you'd be limited as to what else you could add.


Active Member
I would also agree that a dwarf angel would be great in that tank. I dont think that a 12 inch Queen (or French) would look all that great in a 90 gallon, especially because most 90 gallons have the same foot print of the 75's so there isnt much swimming room from end to end. Get a Flame though, they look great in any tank!!!


Active Member
If you have to do a large angel then go with a small 3 to 4 inch majestic or a scribbled angel and only if you plan to upgrade in 3 to 4 years to a 120 to 180 gallon. Put the dwarf or smaller of the two fish in the tank first or if you can put the two in at the same time. You can also do two pygme angles in the tank if you put them in at the same time and they look totally different.....like a flame and a lemonpeel. Doesn't always work mixing angels. In my 190 gallon I have a majestic and a scribbled angel (don't try this in a 90 gallon as it won't work). They had some problems at first as the majestic was in the tank for 6 weeks before. The majestic chased the Scribbled around for the first two weeks but did not do any major dammage to him. Finally they have settled down and the scribbled accepts the majestic's dominant position and they are getting along much better.
I had a majestic for three years in my 90 gallon and he grew about an inch a year. When he got to be 6 inches I thought he needed a larger tank so I ordered the 190 gallon for him....Murphey's law had it that he died right before I got to put him in his new tank. Got a new majestic 4 inches and the scribbled is 3 and a half inches. I picked these fish as they are some of the less agressive of the larger angels and both only get to 10 inches or so. I like the idea of a 10 inch fish as compared to one of the larger growing angles like the queen or emperor that both can grow to 16 inches or larger because a fish any larger than 10 to 12 inches could not fit between the many caves and spaces between my live rock. Make sure you see your angel eat before bringing it home. Lesley


New Member
i think the majority of the posts say that i shouldnt do it...of course i can just not listen to you guys....... but then whats the point for asking. i think ima stick with a dwarf for now... more than likely a flame. and maybe a few years ill get me a bigger tank for a bigger angel.
thanks chris


Active Member
Originally Posted by racer1113
i think the majority of the posts say that i shouldnt do it...of course i can just not listen to you guys....... but then whats the point for asking. i think ima stick with a dwarf for now... more than likely a flame. and maybe a few years ill get me a bigger tank for a bigger angel.
thanks chris
Good idea. I would just go with the Flame and when you buy a new tank, put in the large angel with the Flame and you will be set. The problem with buying with the intentions of upgrading in the future to accomidate the needs of the fish is that it always seems that something comes up and the tank has to take a back seat (car breaks down, lose job, etc.). Its well worth it to wait and get something that will not freak out in your tank in the future. Large Angels are pretty aggressive, so cramping one could turn out bad for some of the other fish in the tank. Good luck!!!


Active Member
I would say congratulations on your choice...you would be ok with a large angel, but not one of the big large angels. For example, you could get a goldflake or a Rock beauty. Also a Bandit or singapore or flagfin would be fine in a 90.
Stay clear of the likes of a Blue Ring, Emperor, Blueface, Queen, French, etc...