2 Aqua Clear 350 skimmers for sale,MAG 9.5 pump


well i live in south west detroit but i can drive if u tell in me where like a farmington hills etc....if u got pick i be greatfull send it to my emal ccamaleon3000@yahoo.com i will like to see it and then we talk about the price in both


lol i wanna -whit the pump to but i just wanna to know if the other guy need the skimer badly o only because the deal??:thinking:
I just broke down my 29g reef tank and I am in the process of setting up a 70g but, I'm just in the planning/gathering equipment phase and it will be a while before it's up and running. It seems as though you need the skimmer for tanks that are currently running so, I am willing to back out and let you have them.
Besides, I am also working on a deal for a euro-reef skimmer.


yea i wane the skimmer but i wane the all set up u know the skimer whit the pump:thinking: i was waiting in my house for u to call...