2 aquapod ?'s


New Member
Hopefully santa clauss is bringing me the 24 gallon one with the pc lighting. ? #1. Is that lighting enough for anemoe's or not and what is it good for? ? #2. How much live rock and sand would i need in there? Thanks


Active Member
as far as lighting.... that depends... are you getting the model with PCs? in which case... no. with that you can keep softies, shrooms, some zoos, and possibly some LPS if you keep them up high.
if you get the kind with the halides, then you can keep anything you want in there.
live rock: 1-2 pounds per gallon. Somewhere in that range and whatever amount looks good to you.
Sand: a deep sand bed wouldnt be TOO effective in a tank that size. So maybe 2-3 inches.


Active Member
a soft coral. examples are leathers, chrsitmas tree, tree corals. ect. zoos, mushrooms. those types of thigns without a skeleton.
LPS are Large Polyping Stony corals. Some examples are hammers, frogspawns, bastomusa, bubbles. ect