2 Black Saddleback Clownfish and a sixline wrasse


Active Member
What does everyone think of this combo. They would be going into my biocube 14. I was thinking the clowns first, then wait about 2 months. After that add the wrasse.
Any opinions, anyone have this combination? All input welcome, thanks


Active Member
I would select a small peaceful goby instead of the sixline, that will likely begin to exhibit aggression in this small of a system. They are extremely active and do better in tanks that offer more space IMO.


Active Member
I had also been thinking of a yellow watchman, but I only have about a 1" sand bed
I was under the impression that they would need more.


I personally think it's a terrible idea because I have 2 saddlebacks and they are HUGE! I think even my sixline would be miserable in a nano. I love clown gobies for nanos, I love clown gobies for anything!