2 clowns 1 anemone


if i have a pair of clowns and only 1 anemone..keeping in mind i had to buy the clowns as a pair and they stay side by side....should i be getting another anemone so they dont have to share the same one


Active Member
No. They are like us. When people get married they live in the same house. Mated clownfish want to live together in the same anemone.


Active Member
But if the anemone is too small for two clowns, they may beat it to death. The anemone should be about 3x the size of one clown, a bit more for pairs.


oh my are you kidding, i mean the anemone is big but it seems as though the fish keep moving in a jerking motion and are kind of digging it deep into the sand


I dont think you have anything to worry about. It may appear that they are beating the crap out of the anemone, but they are probably just making sure they're covered. We were worried when we added a BTA and our clown, who was fairly large, looked like she was abusing it. She eventually settled down and finally let her mate in and he did the same thing. Now they are both happy. Heres a pic of the couple in their 1 bedroom anemone. They visit the smaller clone every so often, but this is theirs.


oh i have a 100 gallon tank stand hood lights and all the fixins (no rock ,fish) though i need to get rid of before hubby wants to set it back up. hope you had a good day in class what grade do you teach


I am in the middle school...and thank goodness I am still on the summer break...Is it possible you could send me a pic of the tank? Is it reef ready? What kind of stand?


i have to pick up the disc with the pics at lfs today then if you can tell me how to put them on here i will


Active Member
Resize the pictures to 500 x 500 pixels or smaller with any photo/image modifying program on your computer. Then save them as *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp or *.gif format. Then on the page where you make a new reply above the submit reply button there is a button for browse. Click that and look for your pic. You can only post 1 pic per reply.
Or if you'd like you can email the pics to me and I can resize them and post them for you. jslok@comcast.net
hey guys if i have a rose BTA its very small and i just bought 1 true perc clown and its very small can i buy another true perc next week and have them together or would i have had to buy them both at the same time. thanks Kathy



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
But if the anemone is too small for two clowns, they may beat it to death. The anemone should be about 3x the size of one clown, a bit more for pairs.

Unless you happen to have about 8 in the tank like me :D