2 Corals....need ID please :)


New Member
So I have had my fish tank for 3 years now and never really went head first into it, because I new I would be moving. I got rid of the 55 gallon and got a 75 gallon when I moved and now I am really ready to get into corals big time.
My first quesions are about 2 of my corals. The larger I have had for about 7 months. I got it with one head and it has grown to 24 heads, but I still don't know what it is. The picture was just after turning on the lights so it hasn't puffed up yet. It gets very full and pink.

The second my wife liked and I bought it 2 days ago. I'm not sure what it is though. It has about 70 tentacles and a mouth in the middle.


New Member
Ok so I found one of them.
The first is a candy cane. This is what it looks like when opened up:

But I don't think the second is a Duncan from what I saw when I googled a Duncan.


That wasn't from the OP. That was someone else who posted with a frogspawn picture as a comparison.

nano reefer

Active Member
Hammer coral
frogspawns have multiple branches on each tentacle, and torches have round bulbs at the end, not elongates bulbs like a hammer does. it is very shrunk up, give it time, take another pic, and you can see it better.


yeah that was my blurry pic. How did you mark on it and post it again. I have been trying to do that and cant figure out how.

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by txfishman
yeah that was my blurry pic. How did you mark on it and post it again. I have been trying to do that and cant figure out how.
he dragged the picture to the desktop, right clicked it, selected open with..., selected Paint, used the fine brush to make his line, then he hit ctrl S, then on his post he clicked Manage Attachments, then selected the picture he edited, then he click upload, exited the Attachment window, and then he clicked submit.


New Member
Thanks for the replies!!!
I thought that Hammers had "U" shaped tentacles. These seem to be dots?
Maybe I will just have to wait for it to grow up, but I was hoping to find out what it was so I could place it in an appropriate spot in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by heirfaus
Do all Euphyllia require the same water flow/lighting conditions. I thought i had read that it varies.

I treat them all the same. Medium flow, medium light and far away from other corals as they will sting the bejesus out of them.