2 deaths in less than 24 hours!


Last night I found a dead Sally Lightfoot. I immediately removed it and checked all of my levels- everything was good. Later that night, my boyfriend mentioned he saw my yellow tang swim near my other Sally Lightfoot and the Sally tried to pinch or grab at it. Today, I found that Sally dead. I did another water check and everything is right where it should be. Is there a possibility that my tang is killy my crabs? :notsure:


Active Member
are you also checking cal and alk levels inverts need cal tp survive also what are parimeters such as ph and sg this may be helpful in finding the problem


Here are my levels-
Salinity- 1.021
Temp- 79
Nitrate- 0
Saltwater rang Ph- 8.0
Nitrite- 0
Ammonia- 0
My tests don't have anything for calcium....
Thanks again for your help!


Active Member
is this s reef tank or a fowler? you could bring your sg up to at least 1.023.i suggest asking your lfs to test cal levels and alk your cal should be in ranges 350-450 i cant remember off hand the alk but inverts must have sources of cal ,idoine,strontium to survive.if these are too low they will die.are you adding any types of cal buffers for you inverts?also check for items in the tank that may have been dropped in by accident such as pennies or other forms of metal.for you have 2 crabs die within 24 hrs together and fish are ok .i would say they are lacking something they need or something is there they should be in contact with.if your fish were eating them you would not find them.also ph should be a bit higher 8.2 -8.3


Weird thing is, both crabs were found in the exact same place... I'll check to see if anything fell in and will go the LFS to get the Cal and Alk tested. Thanks. Do you think it would do any good to do a water change also?


Active Member
have the lfs check your water for the normal stuff to make sure all was in order then decide on a water change.but i do recommend getting your ph up to a more normal level for your inverts.they can accually be more sensetive than your fish.if you go for a cal buffer which is something i use periodilcy help with coraline aglae growth along with invert health i prefer reef advantage its provides cal strontium and magnizium .things needed to kepp a tank healthy.good luck