2 diff clown pairs


Is it ok to keep a pair of Maroons with a pair of Clarkis in the same take for a week. I'm just holding them in my 55gal until the person comes and picks up the pair of Clarkis. Has anyone ever had experience with more than 1 pair if so how did that turn out? the guy i'm getting it from said he had another pair of clarkis already in the tank and they did fine.


Maroons have been in the tank together for close to a yr the Clarkis are someone elses that im just going to keep in my tank until that person picks it up which shouldnt be more than 5-7 days


You may be better off putting them in a tub with a heater and a power head. Maroons are not the friendliest breed of clown. Pairs of clowns can be kept together in larger tanks, but I would not chance it in your 55 with someone else's fish. Add some pieces of rock to the tub for biological filtration and keep an eye on the water readings.


Originally Posted by elton092982
do you think they can survive for that many days though?
Sure, it is no different than setting up a quarantine tank in an emergency. In this case you have the benefit of being able to add live rock. You can even scoop out some of your sand and add that to the bin. You will still have to keep a close eye on the water readings. I wouldn't use a tiny tub. The more water that is in there, the more any toxins will be diluted. I also wouldn't add the rocks and sand right back into the display when the fish are picked up. You won't know if they have parasites on them or not from the fish.