2 Dwarf Angels


I have a 125g setup. Community currently includes 1 Flame Angel. The guy at the LFS tells me that I should be able to add a Bi-Color Angel (smaller than the Flame) and they'll do okay together. I'm skeptical, given the "Thou shalt not mix dwarf angels" rule. Thoughts?


How long has the Flame been in the tank?
They are very different in appearance so that is helpful.
I know the angel police will love this one!
You could try it, just be prepared to bring back the bicolor.
Try leaving the lights off for a few days and feed the flame prior to adding the bicolor.
rearrange the rock work if you can.
Good luck.


Active Member
The rule is not true. Many people have sucessfully mixed Dwarfs, myself included.
However, the Bicolor is one of the more peacefull and timid of the family and the Flame is one of the more aggressive.
If you had the Bicolor all ready established and wanted to add a Flame then I would say it would be worth the risk BUT because you all ready have an established Flame then IMO. it is to risky and most likely will not be good for the Bicolor.
Everything in this hobby is a gamble so its up to you and if you are willing to risk it.


Active Member
My flame angel is the meanest fish in my tank. If he wasn't so pretty I'd take him back. I had a pygmy angel (very peaceful) in my 75 for 6 months when I tried adding the flame. Within days the flame was terrorizing the pygmy. I had too move the pygmy to my 55.


The flame's been in there a couple of years. When he was added there was a coral beauty already there (I didn't know better then!
). The flame didn't appear aggressive, but the coral "mysteriously" died within a couple of days. (No witnesses...)
The next add was a blue hippo that the flame didn't seem to even notice. They still live peacefully together. A year or so after that I added a naso, the flame did not like that much, but got over it after a week or so.
I'm thinking if I add the bi-color, I'll do some rock rearranging as suggested above. If I do add him though, he's there for good as I have so much rock that I can never get anyone out (except one stupid clown that I can catch anytime I want!)


I had a Flame and a Potters in my 90 gallon and it worked out ok.
Rearranging the rocks is probably one of the best ideas.
Another good idea is after rearranging the rocks, put in a tank separator or piece of plexiglass. Divide the tank into 2/3 for the fish already in there and 1/3 for the new fish.
This way the fish can see each other, but cant get at each other. They usually get used to each other and in a few days you can remove the plexiglass and they are fine - this works most times, not all.
Another trick is to turn off the lights for 4-6 hours when adding a new fish.
Good Luck!


I have succesfully kept a flame and ebili in my 125. They get along GREAT and swim together. I was actually suprised when I saw them together. I had the ebili for about 6 months now and put the flame in 2 months ago. I have NEVER seen them fight.