2 Eels


Active Member
You need to look at the scientific names of the eels you want to get. Certain eels will get along with those within their family/genus, whereas others will fight a lot with similar species. No matter what the family/genus, be sure the eels are about the same size and make sure there is plenty of space for them. Create several different stacks of LR so they can both claim their own area. As always, it is a risk to keep two eels together, but by getting two relatively passive eels with rounder teeth, they're gonna be a lot less likely to cause some trouble.


i have kept a snowflake and a snake eel together. the snowflake will make its den in the rock but the snake eels borrow into the sandbed. very cool. all you will see is a there nose sticking out so the sand somewhere. to morays are possible as well. keep them well fed and try to keep 2 pebble stone eels together. like the snowflake. enjoy that 135.


Hey thanks for the advice. And Evil I just walked in my front door. I have bout 2 hrs before i have ot go to work. Im gonna start setting up the tank tomorrow when I get home.


Active Member
Here's my 2 cents:
Yes, depending on the size at the time you get them, and the maximum size they reach. I don't really think it matters if they're fish eaters or crustacean crunchers...
I've got a tesselata and green in the same tank...I did have a blackedge in there...it was MUCH smaller than the other two...and became lunch (sort of) for my green (before he regurgitated him.) It sucked. The tessleata and the green face off from time to time, but they've been in there quite a while, and no problems. Before I got the green, I had a snowflake and tesselata (and the blackedge together), and all was well with no problems.


I currently keep a 30" tesselata with a 48" yellow margin eel in a 300 gallon tank. The both have seperate rockwork. No problems so far.