2 false purcs?


afew corals which are: trumpet coral,4 hairy shrooms,2 different zoas, toad stool leather and a purple gorgian.


forgot my cleanup crew of 5 turbos and4 hermits. if not a clown what else ciuld i have? any and all advice welcomed.


2 false percs plus a clean up crew in a 14g? you should be just fine.
make sure the new false perc you get is smaller than the one you currently have. the big ones are females, and when there are 2 males in a tank, one will turn female and grow large. but if you start with 2 females, one will die. once they turn female they cant go back.
just my .02


thanks for the help,im undecided wether to go with a clown or something else because i dont want them to lay eggs to die, any other sugestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
thanks for the help,im undecided wether to go with a clown or something else because i dont want them to lay eggs to die, any other sugestions?
i am pretty sure it takes a while for them to mate. i doubt they will. they just "pair" up.


2 false percs fit nice in a 14 look at my 14Gal pics. If not a second clown then a scooter blenny is kinda cool looking. Its all in the bioload my friend. I have 2 false percs 6 turbo snails 1 peppermint shrimp 3 nass snails and a spotted mandarin and still have 0s across the board for nitrites nitrates and ammonia.


If you do get another clown make sure it's the same kind and a lil smaller then the other one so they pair up a lil faster. That way the one that's established in your tank already will be the female and your new one will be the male...
On the mating issue I have no experience on how long it takes...someone else should answer this question for you...


my lfs told me to make sure they were both the same size or the bigger one would kill the little one,but i didnt think that was right.If I get another perc , I can still have as many corals as I want right? I would like to upgrade my lights but not sure how to go about it.


Active Member
yes, and trust us on this, make sure the new one is smaller, if its the same size, your lookin a lot of fightin to decide who's gonna be in charge, get the smaller one, of the same kind, and you should be ok


Thanks abunch! I'm still learning about computers and my kids are to busy to teach me! Any ideas on upgrading my lights?


there are Metal halide lighting hoods you can buy for a nano, i want to get one for mine. only problem is that those ones are around $300. im sure there are other lighting options out there for you if thats too expensive. like T5's or something.