2 gallon nano reef


Active Member
Very nice.
One of the LFS in my area has a 2 gallon set-up with a striped damsel as well.
I am working on a 2.5 gallon at work that will be a nano-reef. I am going to wait for a while to see what type of water parameters I can keep stable before I add anything to it. I am not sure if I will keep any type of fish as I am afraid nothing will be comfortable (excluding little gobies that you never see).
Looks good so far. Keep us updated.


It looks great. Do you have any corals in there, it looks like it but I can't tell for sure? IF so, what kind of light and filtration do you have for it? I have a 12G eclipse system and I was looking into what coral, if any, I could get for it.


yea thats extreme close up
that damsel is only the size of a dime
i am looking for a mini thermometer to take the place of the one in there.


that tank is an eclipse 2
i am using bio wheel filtration
i have a xenia, colt coral, yellow polyps, and a few sps, and one anenome i am trying to id
also one snail
i am using a jbj 11 inch light at a tilt, its 18 watt 50/50


Oh I am sorry I didn't say the tank looks good Great job the bravest I have gotten is 8 gallons. Rye when you get it going post some pics:)


i am taking about a 2 cups of water every other day from my larger more stable reef to keep this going. so far so good.


Active Member
Very cool!! I just started a 5 gallon nano and I know what you mean about the thermometer!! I have a whisper in tank filter and I hide the therm. in there!!
2 cups every other day .... hmmmm I am planning on something similar - except I feel like Rye - want to keep it stable before I make any changes!!
WAY cool tank - keep us updated!!!


sps in there about a week, and im using a 11 inch jbj pc fixture with a 50/50 bulb, i have it slanted at a tilt so it lessens the light a bit
i think 18 watts on 2 gallons a bit much.


did you have to do any serious alterations to the hood to get the pc to fit, or did it come with the pc fixture?


no major alterations, the 2 gallon came with no light at all, i just removed the plstic feeding cover and i have the back cover and the jbj pc tilted up like a tent to let air pass through.
with the pc bulb blue side down.
this seems to work very well.
when i feed my 45 gallon DT's
thats when i take a cup of water to add to the nano, so i dont over feed it