2 Gallon (Very SMALL Nano)


hey JustAQTCub
If you dont mind saying, how much did this nano cost you all togather to set up excluding livestock?


I'll list it out for ya.
2 gallon tank - $8
9" Coralife Light - $38
RedSea Nano Filter - $13
20lb Live Sand - $30
(used 3lbs - put the rest in my tank at home)
2lbs Live Rock - $8
5 bumble bee snails - $15
5 dwarf hermits - $10
Small yellow polyp colony - $20
Total - $142 not including taxes.
I test the water for this tank weekly (if not twice a week) and make minor adjustments with water changes, reef builder and buffer when needed. I do check the gravity daily. Evaporation is the most important factor/problem I have with such a small tank. If you intend to invest in this... My recommendation for you is that you keep at least 2 gallons of store bought reverse osmosis - deionized water on hand at all times. Have a very high quality marine salt and plenty of tests. Keeping everything stable is not difficult as long as you test regularly - I recommend the same day of the week, like every Monday after the weekend or on Fridays before you go home so things are good over the weekend. Once you have things going, keep a record of your test results. After a month or two of results you can see a pattern in numbers and counter act any fluxuations that occur.
I get so many compliments on this tank at my work. Everyone is amazed. And watch.... it's contagious. Everyone will be coming to you to have you help them set one up on their desk.
Good luck!
If you have any question or want to know where I got the items for this setup, please reply to this forum with your email address and I will send you the list of stores.
Again, Good Luck,