2 Gobies together?


Active Member
Anyone know if a Yellow Watchman Shrimp Goby and a Orange Diamond Sleeper Goby can live in the same tank? the tank is 90 gallon


I have 2 Engineer gobies and a diamond gobie living in the same 60 gal tank! they have differant jobs and get along great!


Active Member
We have a yellow watchman goby, diamond sleeper goby, and purple firefish goby in our 125 and they all get along great. The diamond goby and yellow watchman share the same burrow sometimes.


The LFS told me that the yellow watchman actually sift some sand too. I didn't think they did, but for those with them, is this true?


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
The LFS told me that the yellow watchman actually sift some sand too. I didn't think they did, but for those with them, is this true?
once in a while ours will, but nothing like the diamond goby. the yellow watchman only "sifts" sand to dig his burrow. most of the time, he is just ....watching...


Active Member
Thanks for the responses. I think I have enough info and will probably get a diamond goby. :jumping:


That's my plan too! The Diamond will hopefully clean my sandbed and the Yellow Watchman will watch the Diamond do it ***)


Active Member
ROFL that's exactly what I was thinking. The diamond probably needs a supervisor so the Watchman is a natural :hilarious


Originally Posted by Symon
I have 2 Engineer gobies and a diamond gobie living in the same 60 gal tank! they have differant jobs and get along great!
Hey Symon, you live in albuquerque, right? just curious if you do your fish business locally or if you do it thru the web....


Can a Yellow Watchman and a Pnk&Blue Goby live in Peace and Harmony? If not, which is better?
For sure I am getting the Diamond Goby to clean my Sandbed. Just curious whether to get Yellow or Pink&Blue.


Bump. I'm about to head home now. I just wanted to give this a boost so I can get an answer before I order tonight


Well I bought the Pink and Blue Goby. Now I want a Yellow Watchman. Can these 2 live in peace? Also, the Diamond I got was HUGE!!! I didn't expect that. It made 2 homes, freakin selfish fish haha
So yah, can they all live in peace? I might also get another shrimp to go with my yellow watchman if possible
I have a 110 gal tank with
2 nemo clowns, fridmani, diamond goby, royal gamma, pink and blue goby, tiger pistol shrmip.
planning on also getting a blue hippo and yellow tang.
All the fish I bought here HIDE!! kinda sucks oh well haha. The nemos don't hide of course =)