2 headed hard tubed feather duster


Ok...being one that is unable to walk out of the LFS without something new to put in the tank, I walked out the other day with my newest find. I have never seen one before and am wondering if anyone else has (I know they have been seen in Hawaii on the reefs, although rarely, but no one has seen one in a tank or store). I have a two-headed, hard tubed feather duster. The fans are also more like a very large Xmas Tree worm feather as opposed to your normal duster. When out, each fan pulses independently and are on their own head, but the worm has one body.


Its a Coco Worm :D Do a search for it, and you should get plenty of hits.


Waterfaller, In another post you told me SWF sells the Coco worm for about $40.00, how big would that guy be? The $80.00 Coco in Houston was the bigggest I've ever seen, "not that i've seen alot!" But these were all 6-8" tubes 1/2-3/4" wide with 2-3" blooms! Does this compare?
I just noticed that beautiful picture was from Synyster in HOUSTON. Do you know of anywhere else but Aquarium World, Or Aquatic Designs (that just Closed) !
I would love a new place. Im actually in Kingwood!
Go Texans


New Member
The coco worm is a beautiful specimen...that is until you see what's lurking inside that tube.
I've seen Synyster's and it looks killer. I hear they are a bit tricky to keep alive so we wish you luck and keep us updated on it.


Sultros, I see you are from Houston too! Do you know of a good SWF Store, other than the ones I mentioned????
Please let me know. . . Aquatic Designs closed this month! He was great.
"Fish Mart???
Thanks Pam
Go Texans


New Member
There are a few good places. Most are in houston. Global fish and pet in Sharpstown. The place in Houston to buy your Aragonite.
Me and Synyster usually hit a store located near the Woodlands off of 242. its called Fish R Us. He gets his shipments on Mon or Tues. Mainly we hit them for deals. Their display tank isnt the greatest but you can't beat the prices this guy has to offer. Yellow Gorgons for $18. Keep in mind that they aren't too knowledgable but the guy that runs the place is great. Sometimes you can talk him down on prices as well.
There is another great store located in South Houston..can't remember the name but everyone calls it JJ's. I hear he has an amazing selection but I have yet to witness it.
Feel free to PM me and Ill give you my email address and give you some more info


Wow thanks, I'm off 59 in Kingwood and we have to travel a distance to get anything. I was told about Fish R Us but didn't know where it was. We'll go tonight!
Does PM mean Post Message? :notsure:
Thanks Pam
Go Texans


New Member
Fish R us closes at 6:30...i think. It closes pretty early.
Take I 45 north, pass the Woodlands, and you will take a right/east on 242. Head a few miles down the road and you will see it on your left
wish I could make it up there and meet you but it looks like ill be working late


Wow that two header is pretty. I want one but the ones I've seen are too big for my tank.
Didnt get to Fish R us last nigt but will this weekend just to check it out. If you see a green chevy pick-up with a big Texans decal on the back window with plates to match, I'm there!

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