2 Lions in a 75 gal?


I was at the LFS today and saw a fuzzy dwarf lion that had colors like I have never seen before. He had very green eyes and the tips of his spines were red and his face was a little flatter than most I have seen. I think there is a rarer version of fuzzy lion, but I can't find anything on it.
Anyway, my question is, I already have a fuzzy lion in my 75. Also in there is a Foxface, smaller hawkfish, and two damsels. Plenty of LR with caves all over. I am getting ready to install a wet/dry/fuge set up that is rated for 200 gal. tank. Can I get this other lion and put him in there too, or will the two of them fight?
What do you guys think?


Active Member
Usually, if not introduced at the same time, the two lions will fight, with the established one being much more aggressive.


he has not shown aggression towards his tankmates (except of course the chromis he swallowed, to be expected) and this one at the LFS was a little bigger. still no good?


Are you sure it wasn't a zebra dwarf? That is the color of a grown zebra. I included a picture of my fuzzy for comparison.



he could have been, he looked kind of fuzzy to me though. :) my current fuzzy looks like yours, nice big full fins and everything.