2 male bluethroat triggers?


I've been thinking of trying a reefsafe trigger in my 200 reef. I was wondering 1. If I get more than one should I add them at the same time or does it not matter? 2. I was thinking of added a bluethroat trigger pair-male and female-but the females have a lot less color than the males, can you have 2 males instead or would they fight? 3. Also...would 2 different types of triggers get a long? Maybe I could do a bluethroat and a pink tail...??

eric b 125

if you only want two triggers, get two female juvies. one of them will change s-ex and will become a male. i wouldnt suggest adding two males unless there were plenty of space and also a few females as well-but not many of our tanks are big enough to support this kind of trigger population.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
if you only want two triggers, get two female juvies.
It's nearly impossible to tell if a juvi is indeed a true female, or just a slow to develop male.
Because of this train of thought, maybe people have wound up with two males, who usually work out fine together. The smaller, the better your chances. Though to be honest, the chances of 2 males, and a Blue Jaw "pair" (one male, one female) are about the same. They really don't 'pair' the same way as say clownfish. They just seem to tolerate each other slightly better.
However yes, two different speices of trigger do fine together the majority of the time, especially in a 200gal+ tank. If you would prefer 1 Blue Jaw and 1 Pink tail, I'd definitely suggest those two over 2 males.

eric b 125

just to clarify (not that i think it really matters) i meant if you just want 2 blue throat triggers.... if you are willing to mix, then i agree w/ aquaknight


Alright, thanks so much:) does it matter if i add them at the same time? also...should i add them last since triggers are a lil more aggresive?