2 many fish?


Active Member
i would say the blenny is a no, they have a 30g minimum limit, and they need a very mature tank or they will likley starve, a tailspot blenny could be an option. What kind of goby?


Originally Posted by redpenny1
I have 2 false perks and a alea blenny would a goby be to much?

Originally Posted by Hunt

i would say the blenny is a no, they have a 30g minimum limit, and they need a very mature tank or they will likley starve, a tailspot blenny could be an option. What kind of goby?
The blenny is very dependent on the type of blenny it is and how much nutrient supply there is in the tank for the fish. A tailspot, barnacle, linear (aka lined) or a bicolor would be okay.
The same goes for a goby. A yellow watchmen, yasha goby, black barred convict, clown gobies, hector's, hi fin banded, neon, green banded, shrimp (prawn) gobies, red spotted, red striped, Tangora, or the two spot would be fine.
I'm sure I'm forgetting a few gobies, but I just did a quick run through of a list of gobies on another site for quick reference.
Honestly, if you have two clowns in there, I would do a goby OR a blenny, not both. I'm going to assume that your clowns are probably still babies, keep in mind that babies grow. Two full grown clowns is A LOT for a 14G Cube, especially if you don't add an anemone (which you can't do unless you modify the lighting).


Originally Posted by redpenny1
I have 1 adult clown and 1baby clown,I have the new LED setup from tunes. Why would an anemone matter?
An anemone keeps them less active and they usually end up pooping in the anemone and then it's eaten by the anemone, therefore producing less bioload on the tank.
If you have an adult in this tank and plan on keeping both of them as adults in this tank, I would do one more SMALL fish, if you're really set on it and that's it.