2 maroon clowns

If you read the description on swf.com, it tells you that some clown fish like the maroon should only be kept one in a tank. Is that true? does anyone keep more than one? what if its a male and female? Can I request a pair from swf.com?
how about a clarkii and a maroon or pair of clarkii? will they get along?


My LFS had a very very nice coral tank (about 125 gallons) with two Maroon clowns (HUGE maroon clowns) as the only fish. They survived fine, but I'm not sure if they were mated pairs or what. That tank has since been sold, so I can't look at it when I visit (the store is ridiculously overpriced and very very uneducated about their products, so I very rarely visit them)


Active Member
Maroon clowns should not be mixed with Clarkiis at all. They will kill them. Yes, you can get a pair of Maroon clowns and they'll eventually pair up.