2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics


Very nice dutch, i also use the cup with frozen cyclo but i soak it in a few drops of selcon and zoecon. Every 3rd feeding i use krill soaked in zoe and sel instead of the cyclo. Just mince up the krill pretty fine. Ive tried mysis and my sun wont eat it. Ive also seen those pics with the whole mysis but i like to dice it up real fine and squirt it in, way to many heads to feed individually.
I'd post a pic of mine but dont wanna hijack your thread.
p.s.- mine is usually open from like 7p.m. to 7a.m., how long have you had yours?


Jcarroll - I'm not an expert by any means. Remember I have only been doing this two months. But I would guess my lack of any algae build-up is my huge clean up crew. Remember I have/started with 100 hermit crabs and 16 turbo snails. They were in there well before any algae had a chance to mature. They keep everything very clean, but as you can see my rocks do have some green on them, but it's very natural looking and there is no excess growth anywhere. The bag of "bugs" was very beneficial too, my two Stomatella (sp?) have turned into about 8 or 9 and these are all beneficial algae eaters. (There's been some serious Stomatella love going on in there!) One other thing, I have only used RO water since Day 1.
Emmitt - Honestly, I don't even know what selcon and zoecon is. I assume it's some type of vitamin supplement for corals. I would like to try something a little different for it, but it's like don't fix something that isn't broke, you know. I have only had him about a month, but I have new heads growing so that's good sign he's happy. I usually feed him around 8:45, I see him start opening around 8:30, he's opened totally for about 3 hours, then he will gradually close throughout the night. I have seen him around 4:00 or 5:00 am with a few heads still open a little, but it's nothing like the first three hours. The funny thing is my "off" night, I will see a few little yellow tentacles poking out like "we really don't have to wait until tomorrow do we?" lol BTW, feel free to post your sun coral pic, but if it's been on here before I have probably seen it. I read just about everything on here but rarely am I confident to post any suggestions or comments.
One question, I see people use the term "soak the food" on here alot. What do you mean by "soaking?"


I put the cyclo in a few ml's of tank water in a shot glass. Then a few drops of selcon and zoecon and let it sit for like 20 minutes before i feed it.
Mine does the same thing now that ive switched to every other day. On off days, he sticks out a little to tease and say" feed me and ill come out", lol.
crappy camera but here is mine



A well fed, happy one

Just kidding, it's just a regular sun coral that i spend an outrageous amount of time babying, lol.


LOL, yes, it looks it from the pics...
But I was wanting to know the name of it....
The only one I can find sells an Orange Sun Coral...Is that what it is?
Another site mentions an Orange/Yellow Sun Coral, but nothing else...


It's an orange, at least thats what color it is when the polyps are closed. My lfs has 3 yellow ones now. Not sure what they look like since the polpys will never open when im there but it looks cool. I like the orange/pink look better though.
I would not order one, i'd try to buy it in person. Very delicate and most ive sen have some decent if not bad recession.


What he might be referring to is the Black Sun Coral. I have seen pictures of a few, but for the most part, all the work is for the bright vibrant color, so why would you want a black one? This site sells black ones, but once again, I'm not doing all that work for something that doesn't "pop".


New Member
that is a wonderful looking tank! you both have very nice sun corals! i originally looked into purchasing one but then changed my mind! but i just wanted to compliment you two on your corals and on the tank! VERY NICE!