2 Naso Tangs together?


I have a 155gal. bowfront with 3 tangs...including a Naso Tang. I recently bought another one that is slightly larger from a guy getting out of the hobby. I wasn't really looking to buy another Naso but since the price was right I took him. I have him in a 25gal. QT tank. Now before I put him in with the other Naso will the two of them get along? I've had my first Naso for over 2 years now and I love him/her and don't want to screw up by adding another. Will this be ok?


Active Member
--- them by their tail fin streamers as a starter.
155 is not big enough for 1 much less two for the long run. Grow to 18". With those double tail spikes I'd guess they could do some serious harm to each other.
My vote is no.


Originally Posted by 95Harley
--- them by their tail fin streamers as a starter.
155 is not big enough for 1 much less two for the long run. Grow to 18". With those double tail spikes I'd guess they could do some serious harm to each other.
My vote is no.
My original Naso is only about 6" and I'm guessing it's a female. I've had it for years now so I know it won't be getting any larger. The new Naso is 8 - 10" and I'm hoping it is a male. I'll do some more research before I introduce the new Naso in with the old.


Active Member
Originally Posted by K-ROK
My original Naso is only about 6" and I'm guessing it's a female. I've had it for years now so I know it won't be getting any larger.
6" is only a third of their capable size. Male or female it should get MUCH bigger. they are suppose to be fast growers if fed accordingly. Adult males grow streamers making them pretty easy to distinquish.


Active Member
2 of the biggest tangs in a tank that is not even big enough for one. And a possibility of strong aggression between them. Won't work IMO.


I understand the potential size of a Naso Tang and appreciate that. That being said MY Naso's are 6" and 8". The 6" is at least 3 years old and spent it's first year in a 75gal. with several other tangs. I have had it for 2 years and it has yet to grow at all hence my belief that it is at maximum size. The 8" Naso is at least 3 years old also so it should be around it's max size. They both seem to have a pleasant, easy-going temperment. From everything I've read and all the experts I've talked to this COULD be a feasible arrangement. I did not get anyone telling me not to do it. The people I talked to are long-time reef keepers and know what they are doing. (They also work at the biggest and oldest LFS in the area.) I value everyone's opinion on this matter and thank you for it. I plan to try this and see what happens. It will either work or not. If not I will quickly remove the new 8" Naso and find him a more suitable home. I guess I made my decision before I started this thread to go ahead with it but I was looking for any horror stories from anyone who has tried this - I didn't hear any such stories so I am undeterred from my original plan. I will post again and let you know how it goes. Thanks again. =)


Active Member
The only chance you will have is if you re-arrange a bunch of the rockwork to break the territories up, but even then it's touch and go. You have a little bit of a good thing going in that the new Tang is much larger than the existing one.
Still though... the price is not right if one kills the other one. If your existing tang is not getting any bigger it's because his growth is stunted due to environment, or his diet is insuffient to promote growth. Both are bad; the idea that a fish will only grow as big as his habitat is a myth, so you should seriously consider your Tang's situation(s).


Originally Posted by SCSInet
The only chance you will have is if you re-arrange a bunch of the rockwork to break the territories up, but even then it's touch and go. You have a little bit of a good thing going in that the new Tang is much larger than the existing one.
Still though... the price is not right if one kills the other one. If your existing tang is not getting any bigger it's because his growth is stunted due to environment, or his diet is insuffient to promote growth. Both are bad; the idea that a fish will only grow as big as his habitat is a myth, so you should seriously consider your Tang's situation(s).
I am seriously considering this decision and both Tangs' situation. I agree with rearranging LR which I plan to do as I am also adding some that I have just cured. I will add the new Naso at that time. I will not allow these Tangs to harm each other. I will keep a close eye on them and if it is bad I will simply remove the new one.
As for my Tang having stunted growth I question that. I have fed these fish a variety of different food from flake to Nori to frozen enriched brine, Formula Two pellets and frozen cubes, and various other frozen foods. My fish are babied. I have lots of flow in the tank and plenty of filtration.
My biggest question was not one of whether the tank is big enough, but if these two Tangs of the same species will get along or not. I thought maybe someone else had tried this and could tell me either "Hell no they will fight each other to the death", or "They get along great in groups". I have yet to hear either - just that my tank isn't big enough. This hobby is all about opinions and I realize that. IMO my tank is big enough and until I'm proven otherwise I plan to introduce this new Tang within' the next week or two to my 155gal. bowfront. I appreciate your opinion and it is noted.


Active Member
"I thought maybe someone else had tried this and could tell me either "Hell no they will fight each other to the death", or "They get along great in groups" "
No one has tried because of the reasons we are telling why it won`t work .
"I have yet to hear either - just that my tank isn't big enough."
Read the whole thread over again, there are multiple posts about your tank isn`t big enough .


Active Member
What are the deminsions of a 155g? A 180 is 72x24x24" which means the naso has room to turn around. Also consider this: a fishes lifespan is 20+years so therefore I highly doubt that your naso will stay that size. Yes a fish that size could go into that size aquarium but I highly doubt that it will stay that size. Have you read any books before setting up your aquarium? Most will say two tangs of the same species or body shape will fight. Naso may be peaceful fish to others types of fish, but not to neighboring nasos. The whole aggressive tang and peaceful tang means how they act towards other fish. For example, I have a purple tang that is super aggressive towards new fish. I seriously hope you take into consideration what we are trying to tell you.


Active Member
I have no idea how I typed that. Yes a 180g is 72x24x24. I'll edit that. A 150 is 72x24x18 and a 125g is 72x18x18. Sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I have no idea how I typed that. Yes a 180g is 72x24x24. I'll edit that. A 150 is 72x24x18 and a 125g is 72x18x18. Sorry.
I think a 125g is 22" lol
my 100g is 72x18x18"


Active Member
just messing with
To this day I dont know the difference between a 125g and a 135g. something about 10 gallons


Active Member
Isn't 135 24" tall?

I never really checked to see how tall my aquarium is because heigth doesn't matter as much opposed to length and width.