2 new corals today.


I just came back from the LFS with 2 new corals. 1 is a rock with yellow zoos on it. Looks great. The other is a brain of some sort. LFS says it needs light to live. I think it needs more than that. I have been doing some searching and I cant seem to find this brain anywhere. I know I've seen it. The colors in the pics are off a little from the blue lights. I have plenty of lighting, and all kinds of food. I know I can take care of it if I can just figure out its names common, scientific. Any help would be great.


hi Ryan, that brain you have is a Trachyphyllia geoffroyi, other wise known as open brain, or rose coral, a large specimen with convoluted vally's. it comes from the red sea,indian ocean,western pacific, japan, australia, and the solomon islands. it's free living flabello-meandroid coral with fleshy polyps often brightly colored. needs good lighting medium to high waterflow. i'm not sure on the feeding of it though, someone else will have to help you on that . but those are some beautiful pieces you got .good luck , and i hope this info helped you.


Great just the answers I am looking for. I feed the tank with phyto. and I have 2 250w MH's and 2 blue t-5's. The tank is a little over 100gl. I have a little giant pushing 1k GPH through the tank. I am looking to start getting some corals. I don't know what to start with. At the moment I have the 2 you see and a mushroom rock. I do have a piece of hard coral (stick like) that was thought to be completely dead from someones tank. After a few months now I have noticed the ends of one of the tongs is bubbled out and kind of orange. Looks like I had some life still in there:jumping: . I hope to get it growing well.
I had algae problems for a long time and just got it under control. I have been reading that their is a fine line in keeping LR and the water chemestry perfect. The book I have been reading says a few corals helps balance the system out more. So here I am trying corals.
Thanks again


Active Member
Looks like a wellsophyllia type brain to me. Looks like a good one at that, nice zoos too. Here is a pic of my well. brain.


ryan you need to ask bang guy, waterfaller, nmreef, and so on.they are alot more knowledgable than me on what corals to start with, how long has your tank been setup and cycled, what are your water preamiters,these are just a couple of the questoins that there going to ask you, i would at least listen to what they say,they have helped me on some things. but zoos and some polyps are very good starter corals. i have only been reefing for a little over three years, and there is alot i don't know. but if you have a question that i can help you with i will. but if it's something i don't know , i will tell you i don't know. oh there going to ask what kind of filtration you have. all of this plays a big part of what kind of corals you should or can keep.but let me warn you, once you start adding corals and invertibrates, you will never want to go back to just a plain saltwater tank again,you will want to keep on reefing
just remember everything in a reef is a living creature. i'm sending a picture of my reef, maybe it will give you some ideas on the design of your lr you are putting in and a color skeem.so if you have any other questions feel free to ask and if i can't help you, i might be able to steer you to the right person who can


Active Member
U got a great tank tonya, wow. So hows that crocea clam?
As for starter coral you pretty much have a good one, the zoos and shrooms. The wellso brain isn't a starter, but it will be easy as long as you keep everything in check, and it will tell you when it's not happy. If you do good with the brain go with some more lps, like a hammer, candycane, frogspawn, etc. main thing is research before purchase. Most leathers are easy as well if you like them better. HTH's.


:eek: That eank looks awsome. I've been doing this for about 2 years now. I am just getting into the corals as you can see. The tank is a little over 100 gal. I have well over 110lbs of LR, a good sand bed. I have a wet dry. Currently with no bio balls I have the drain dumping into a sock. I also have a good skimmer, and UV. The water tests good. It could stand a water change. The Ca was near 400. I just need to play with my water flow rates. The front sand doesn't seem to get enough circulation. I geet excess nutrients in the front. Causes a little red slime, and I get air pockets from the nutrients, and photosynthisys action going on. I re directed some jets and it seems to be going away. Thanks for all the info on everything.

bang guy


Originally posted by Ryan Miller
I am looking to start getting some corals. I don't know what to start with.

First thing IMO - you're off to an awesome start :cheer:
Second, instead of haphazzardly adding new corals just because they're easy I would suggest mapping out what you want the final product to look like. Just like fish, come corals don't play nice together. So, do some research and have some fun dreaming. Once you get your list and where you want them we can easily help with the order of things.
Here's a link to a photo contest. Look at the pictures and get ideas. Feel free to ask all of the questions you want.
Aquarium of the Month


kpk thanks for asking about my clam,he is doing well, i htink what may of happened was just got to big and heavy for the rock he had been attached to for so long, and thats why he decided to go for a roll
he has now attached himself to a bigger rock and is growing again, boy is he growing. here is a new pic of his new location, you can see he is a little bigger now. i don't know if that is the reason he let go but it's the only thing i can come up with. what do you think ?


Bang, Thanks for the advice, and the link. My goal would me more on the lines of "Yosemite Sam's" tank it is with in the first page of your link and towards the top.
I like small polyp corals like GSP,zoos. I also like the bright stony corals. I don't want my tank to look like I placed these animals in the tank. I want it to look natural.
I do not have a CA reactor. I am also looking into finding room for a refugium.
My tank is a corner tank and space is limited.


This is what I have to work with. The first pic is the whole tank. the second is the R side, and the 3rd is the L side.
Currently in the tank.
1 clam maxima (blue/green)
1 mushroom rock (lower right side) colors match the coraline I don't care for that so much
1Yellow Zoo rock (middle)
1 brain (left middle)
Various snails, hermits
1 yellow tang
2 pistol shrimp.
2 yellow watchman gobies
1 6 line wrass
1 GSM (likes the shrooms)


That corner tank is awsome!!!! Yea thats what I need. But I am sure much work goes into keeping it up.


Active Member
That looks like a crocea clam to me, its cool. Do you have halides? You gotta clean tank btw. The possibilities are endless.


Active Member
well if you have the right equipment and everything it would be easier it is beautiful though huh


Yea I have 2 250 10k MH's on it. I also have 2 24" blue T-5's for morning and afternoon.
Here it is now at the moment. The MH's just kicked off. The Brain is glowing. It doesn't take a good pic at all. The zoos look great to. This is only 2 24" t-5's pretty crazy for the color.