2 new corals


Active Member
so ive had this one in my tank for a couple of weeks, but its still pretty new. its a GARF purple bonsai. small piece, but i have high hopes for it.
not the best pic.

and i just picked this one up today. its an ORA german green with blue polyps.
its a yellowish green base with dark blue polyps. really cool coral.
heres a pic



Active Member
thanks. will do.
i wish i could get a better shot of the blue polyps. the camera just isnt catching how deep blue they look in person.


Active Member
Nice frags Teen, I was just thinking about getting the German Blue, I didn't though. I hope it grows like mad for you. Definitely a very cool piece(german), never saw the Purple Bonsai before, nice piece. I know I can't get really good pics of some of mine either, very frustrating sometimes to show the real beauty. Good luck



Active Member
monster: i can adjust the white balance. i usually adjust it so that the sand looks the same in the pics as it does when i actually look into the tank, but it sorta throws off the pics of the corals.
trippkid: if you can get your hands on the german blue, definetly pick one up. the polyps are such a deep blue, its amazing. im hoping it will grow quick.
dajoker: any pics?