2 New FISH!!! Got a Tang and a Wrasse, PHOTOS


The tank is finally coming together. Starting to feel like an aquarium. I got a Scopas Tang and a Potters Wrasse. I absolutely love both of these fish. I didn't want to get them together but when I went to the LFS they were there and beggin me to come home. The Scopas is absolutely beautiful. Its in great shape and eating a ton. The Potters wrasse had always been one of my favorites. I am a little nervous about both. I worry about ich and nutrition for both but I will keep a good eye on them.
I got an awesome shot of the wrasse but the tang didn't want to hang out long enough for a good side photo. Check them out. I got a few other photos of some corals I started last month.



Yeah the wrasse is awesome.. best yet he was only $30. Don't know if that is good and I got him 20% of for Memorial Day sale.