2 new pics of my yellow lion


Absolutely gorgeous... Do you know of any place I might be able to find one for myself? I've been lookin forever but no luck so far... Thanks


Active Member
Hey Murph, AWSOME pics. I was thinking about getting a fuzzy dwarf lion for my 125 gallon reef that I will hopefully be getting soon. Are they aggressive at all? What other fish can they live with? I was planning on getting a bicolor angel, a couple percula clowns, a green mandarin, a jawfish, and a few tangs. Probably a few more smaller fish too like a pajama cardinal and a pennant fairy wrasse. I also need to know what kind of clam that is. lol. Its the coolest one I have ever seen by far.
One more question, are fuzzy dwarf lions coral safe as well?


I love your lion murph. I want one but my tank is already on the verge of being overstocked! Thanks for sharing!!


Active Member
wow ... hey everyone sorry for the delay i hadnt been around the comp for a lil....
anyays the lion i have is very peaceful i have some rather small fish in the tank that will swim right next to him.... the key to them is making sure they have pleanty of food make sure u feed them specifically or else they will get hungry and can go after the smaller fish.... i had this happen before but ever since feeding him a lil more hes been very happy....
its a fish with alot of personality he swims around all day and hunts at night for lil crabs and stuff.... i dont have any shrimps either so its not a big deal .... i think he would eat them though if given a chance too.... he likes to hunt my hermit crabs at night but he cant eat them he will swallow the shell then spit them back out since the crab is in the shell....
as far as corals its a perfect citizen he never bothers a thing!
where can u find one im not sure they are rather rare to get a color morph this bright i just luckily stumbled upon it when i was a newbie with a FO tank with LR.... in my old 100G tank
tank size is a 55g tank i dont know if 45g would sufice once they get bigger
and the clam is a squamosa clam very hardy and huge! also grows very rapidly!
im glad u guys liked the pics ill have to see if garrick will give me a pic of his sps 265G tank for u guys


Active Member
where did you find the clam? Do you think it would fit in a 125 gallon or is that too small? How often do you feed your lion and what to you feed him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
where did you find the clam? Do you think it would fit in a 125 gallon or is that too small? How often do you feed your lion and what to you feed him?
i found this clam at a LFS around the corner from me.... at the time it was probably about 8-10" now its about 12-14" its a very fast grower being a squamosa and needs alot of calcium to keep up with its demand.... it may fit into a 125 when smaller but it most likely will need a bigger home later on in its life cycle...
i feed the tank every day and the lion specifically every 3 days with some formula1 frozen cube chunks and some frozen whole shrimp pieces this keeps him full and happy and keeps him away from eating any lil fishies in my tank lol


Active Member
So you feed all your fish every day and every third day slip in a little something extra for the lion? Is that what you're saying?


Active Member
Also how big is your lion and how long have you had him? Is he full grown? What size tank are he and your clam in?


Originally Posted by Kevin34
Also how big is your lion and how long have you had him? Is he full grown? What size tank are he and your clam in?
Murph said they are in his 180 gallon