2 pairs in a tank


ok, i have a 90 gallon, and so far the only fish i have is a 6line wrasse, and i have some cleaners, decorator crab, hermits, arrow crab, etc etc
now i just got myself a true percula, and in a few days in getting the other one, now what i was wondering is can i have 2 orange perculas, and 2 black perculas in the same tank? and if not then why?


Active Member
You can only have one of each together or a pair from one species . Mixing species can be very deadly as the fish can fight till death . But mixing O&W with B&W is ok as long as you only have two clowns total .Having two pairs in the same tank will more likely cause problems .
I had 3 B&W's and 2 O&W's in my 75gal for YEARS! The only problem I ever had was, when I very 1st got the 2 orange guys given to me, one og the b&w's chased him and he jumped out of my tank. I thankfully was home and able to put him right back in. ANd that was that, he learned who was boss and never had a problem again. They even swam as a group of 5, it was BEAUTIFUL!!


I have 4 different pairs of clowns in my 55gal. i have not had any problem with them at all. each pair do their own thing. I bought them as pairs instead of trying to buy one now and the other later, to avoid the chaos that ensues.


What if you put 3 or 4 percs in the same tank, will 2 pair off and leave the 3rd one hanging, will 4 split into 2 pairs or will they stick together as a group?
Mine always stayed together.....I had 3 b&w's I purchased 2 together and then one a few weeks later. At first the odd guy stayed alone but then did group w/the other 2 then I added 2 o&w's and at the beginning they stayed in seperate corners from the b&w's but eventually they ALL swam as a group!


New Member
Originally Posted by zephyrlily
What if you put 3 or 4 percs in the same tank, will 2 pair off and leave the 3rd one hanging, will 4 split into 2 pairs or will they stick together as a group?
I started with 4 percs, one was severely harrassed (the smallest). These are tank bred. I took the little one back to the store. Now I have three, they seem to get along well for the most part but I noticed that two are getting bigger than the third and the littler one is spending more time alone ... he also hangs out with my blue tang ... I think I'm going to end up removing him as well. I'm planning to get a pair of b/w ... I have 180 gal tank.