2 part Ca, Alk dosing


Active Member
ok guys of everyone who uses a two part calcium/alk additive, how long do you wait before adding the second? i am just wondering because i have never seen a time period labeled on a bottle. of course it could be cause im retarded, but hey, any info would help!
thanks in advance


Test your ALK/CAL levels. It depends on the number of corals and how much coraline algae you have. the more you got the more this stuff gets depleted.You may want to test daily until you get a feel for it. I have to add about half a cap full each daily to keep my levels up, because of my coraline growth in my 60.


Wait a minute, I misunderstood you mean between the two bottles, sorry. I give it a few minuets to make sure the stuff has been well diluted. I also do each one SLOWLY over a period of about five minutes.I've irritated a few things by pouring the ALK side in too fast!:(


I've recently tried using a new product by Kent called "liquid reactor". I have been having a hard time getting my Ca levels above 300 much less 400-450 so i thought i'd give a new product a shot. It claims to be both components in one, you just shake up the bottle violently for about 10 seconds before adding to the tank. It does cloud the tank up significantly for about an hour after adding it though so i do it at night when the pH is supposed to be lower. All corals and inverts appear healthy after a week of dosing with this stuff. I don't think i'm having any more success with it though in bringing up Ca level.

nm reef

Active Member
I use Seachem products to build levels of calcium & alkalinity(reef advantage & reef builder). I mix 1 tablespoon of either in a 1 gal drip container and alternate daily...this method has helped establish desired levels . Plus I drip kalk overnight to help maintain established levels. I don't think its advised to add the 2 part additives together. I'd insure there is enough time between the 2 for things to stabalise .:cool:


Active Member
nm, i too use the seachem products, i have reef complete (raises calcium), reef carbonate(raises carbonate alk) and reef calcium (maintains calcium). i love them soo far, but any suggestions on a regime to add them. i currently follow the directions and add about 5 mL's twice a week i havent however been using the drip system. i usually dilute the chem in a cup of tank water and then slowly pour it into the tank. any suggestions? what do you use to drip your stuff, etc?
thanks again all