2 peaceful angels


New Member
question...i know the site says you should not keep more than one angel in the same tank, but i was wondering if they are both peaceful species, and you intro'd them at the same time, could they co-exist b/c i've seen at lfs's where 2 were in the same tank. is this b/c its only temp until they sell, and longterm they will battle? i want to get a flame angel and a coral beauty....


I think most of these guidelines are for the most part BS stated by marine PETA groups who don't understand that these are just fish and not children.

180 gall or so can house 2 angels perfectly fine.
experiment find out what works for you.
people say you can't keep multiple trigger fish together either.. but have read numerous times of some tanks having 3+ together and living fine.


Active Member
Well where are you going to find a peaceful angel? They are aggressive by nature. You can try in a larger tank with lots of rockwork but you might end up with one dead. It's a risk. Are you asking about dwarf angels or large angels?


if you get a dwarf angel and a large one you shoudl be find because their bodies will be different enough to get buy


Active Member
The question that should be asked before reccommending them get a Large Angel, boozzbro, is what size tank do you have?


New Member
i only have a 55, is this two small to house two dwarfs? isnt the coral beauty and the flame both dwarfs or just the CB? swf.com says they have a peaceful temperament. is this true?


Active Member
You put even 2 Dwarf species in a 55gal. tank and you're gonna have problems.
It's not that Angels are aggressive, by nature...they're territorial. There's a BIG difference.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Enoch83
i only have a 55, is this two small to house two dwarfs? isnt the coral beauty and the flame both dwarfs or just the CB? swf.com says they have a peaceful temperament. is this true?

Yes. But doesn't SWF.com also say that you don't mix two angels?


Active Member
i think the role of thumb to wat i have heard is...
u can have 2 angels in the same tank as long as they r different sizes, shape, and color


Active Member
Yeah, but you have a 55gal. tank, where you can only choose Dwarf species.
You're still gonna have trouble. "Rule of thumb" means nothing, in keeping saltwater fish.