2 Qns: Lifespan of Marine Fishes and Your Longest Living Marine Fish so far


Q1: I was wondering if any one have ANY INFO on the lifespan of the various wonderful marine fishes/shrimps in our tanks? How long do they life in the wild and how long do they live in our tanks?
It will be nice to know if the various species and their lifespan is listed here (or if there's any website that have these info...
Q2: Which one of your fishes/shrimps in your tank is the longest living at this moment of time?
I have my pair of maroon clowns already six months in tank....I started the marine hobby seven months ago....


Nick Daiken's _The Marine Problem Solver_ has a list of all the common aquarium species, and on each species, there is a guide that tells you what they eat in captivity, how long they live in captivity and how big they get, as well as what diseases they are particularly prone to and lots of other great stuff.

tang man

New Member
i have heard that most fish will live 6 to 7 years in a well kept aquarium, but i have a spotted puffer that is 12 years old.


my oldest is my hippo Tang. 5 years. I raised it from the size of a nickel. I credit alot of that to a proper and varied diet.


My oldest is my coral banded shrimp - he's at least 9 years old and my pencil urchin is almost as old. I've had a yellow tang and 2 damsels for ~7 years. dunno how they all have lived so long, but I'm glad! :D