2 questions from Newbie

mot ii

Hi everyone... this site has been great and full of information!
We have a 65-gal tank that we set up about 6 weeks ago. We have one LR (about 10 lb) and a couple of base rock (about 30 lb in total) in the tank. We're not looking to make it a full reef...just something that has good places for fish to hang out; which we think we've accomplished at this point.
Right now we have 1 three-stripped damsel and 1 yellow-tail blue damsel both of which we've had for about 3 weeks and we just recently added a lawnmover blemmy who immediately started looking for alge!

My questions are:
1. Should we really have more LR? Our LFS didn't seem to think what we have in the tank is too little, but when I read how much others have.. I think we're low on the LR....
2. Do we need a protein skimmer? Our LFS told us early on that if we weren't doing a reef tank then we really didn't need one right now. Yet what I read on here leaves me with the impression that perhaps we should have one?
We are using a Rena FilstarxP 2 filter system which seems to be working well for us.
We plan to add a couple more fish over time.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

sign guy

Active Member
with your bio load so low at this point its not hurting you to have low rock LBS and no skimmer but skimmers and LR are the best type of filtration you can get and im sure if you hooked a skimmer up right now youd be shocked at how much gunk it pulls out. Id do a 10% water change once a week and youd be OK but look into getting more LR slowly and check into a good skimmer like the coralife super skimmer 125
BTW welcome to swf.com


Active Member
Originally Posted by MOT II
Hi everyone... this site has been great and full of information!
We have a 65-gal tank that we set up about 6 weeks ago. We have one LR (about 10 lb) and a couple of base rock (about 30 lb in total) in the tank. We're not looking to make it a full reef...just something that has good places for fish to hang out; which we think we've accomplished at this point.
Right now we have 1 three-stripped damsel and 1 yellow-tail blue damsel both of which we've had for about 3 weeks and we just recently added a lawnmover blemmy who immediately started looking for alge!

My questions are:
1. Should we really have more LR? Our LFS didn't seem to think what we have in the tank is too little, but when I read how much others have.. I think we're low on the LR....
2. Do we need a protein skimmer? Our LFS told us early on that if we weren't doing a reef tank then we really didn't need one right now. Yet what I read on here leaves me with the impression that perhaps we should have one?
We are using a Rena FilstarxP 2 filter system which seems to be working well for us.
We plan to add a couple more fish over time.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
First off welcome to the boards! RUle of thumb for live rock is 11/2 to 2lbs of LR to the gallon, I would definately get some more live rock, this will help keep your water levels steady, allow for natural habit homes and really help with the biologial filtration.
A protein skimmer in my opinion is the most valuable peripheral you can add to your home aquarium, it will really help removing dissolved nutients and proteins. you WILL be amazed of the black gunk that comes out, not seen by the

eye! DONT skimp here, get a nice one, that is efficient!

mot ii

Yes, I've started to learn that by reading all the postings! Our LFS also told us today when we stopped by that we should get rid of them before we put any other fish in... the only question is... what do we do with them? We don't have any LFS near us (we drive almost an hour to the closest one,) and we don't have any friends who are starting tanks...


Yep, this is how the addiction starts to kick in.
"Awe what do we do with these little guys, their so mean but I don't want to kill them"
"You know honey I was reading online today about a aggressive reef setup that you can have damsels in. We could also add a maroon clown. Just need another tank"
"Those maroon clowns look pretty cool"


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!!

I would agree with the above statement, you aren't hurting anything by having so little LR since you only have two damsels, but now would be the time to add more. At some point i'm sure your going to add fish to the equation so i would add the LR now so that the bacteria can be established before your new fish are added.
Damsels are mean, but i think it just depends on the fish. I had three damsels in my tank, one was mean as hell, so i took him out and the other two left are totally find now.
Again a protein skimmer is necessary, but it would help your tank. And if you plan on adding fish / corals you definately need one.
Good luck, got any pics?