2 Questions- latex gloves and B-Ionic



i have two questions like the title.
1) can i use latex gloves while i glue my corals? dont want that super glue gel to get on my fingers(the latex gloves that dont have that white powdery stuff on it)
2) Can i just add B-Ionic to my tank, or do i have to mix it with water and then dump it in my tank? on the label it does not say 'do not add directly' so does this mean i can? :help:
thanks in Advance.


Active Member
1) it's a good idea to use gloves when handling corals anyway... latex is fine as long as they do not have anything on them.
2) you can add it directly to the tank... in a high flow area of course.


ok, thanks for the help, and yeah, thats what i meant on the gloves about the white powdery stuff. again thanks for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
ok, thanks for the help, and yeah, thats what i meant on the gloves about the white powdery stuff. again thanks for the help
i use powder free latex gloves all the time