2 questions. . .


New Member
Hi everyone. Been a while since I have posted. I have had my 24G nano for a little over a year now and it is doing GREAT. I still love it like the day I bought it.
It is a little overloaded (from what I have read), but I always change 5 gallons every two weeks, and the water seems to stay in check.
I currently have 25 Lbs of LR, LS, a small clown (I had a clown for 8 months that got fairly large, but I traded him in on a new clown, as he got aggressive to everything else in the tank. I hated to do it, but the other fish kept getting damaged fins, stayed behind the rocks, etc.), a royal gramma, a pajama cardinal, a cleaner shrimp, three pepermint shrimp (man did they get rid of the anemones), 15 hermit crabs, and 8 snails.
I have two questions:
1. From what I can see watching the tank at night with the moon lights, I have one bristle worm that made it in on the LR. I have watched this guy grow, and now he is around 5" long. Looks VERY big now when he comes out (and he does within a few minutes of lights off pretty much every night). Is he getting too big? Should I catch him and get him out?
2. My nitrates stay around 30, but I want to get them down lower. Talking to the LFS (it seems to be a pretty good one), They seem to think I am over feeding and suggested I feed the same amount I feed now but every other day instead of every day. I feed a multipack that has 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" cubes of frozen food in it. I feed 1/3 of a cube each day. On some days, if I am really busy, I feed a small portion of flakes instead. The LFS say feed 1/6th of a cube daily, or 1/3 every other day. . . What do you think?


New Member
To my surprise tonight. . . .The bristle worm came all the way out frm under the rock. . . He is over 8" long!!!
Should he stay or go? Looks like he is the only one in the tank. . .

mandarin w

I don't know about one that large. I would think he'd be ok. Bristle worms are a very good scavenger in the tank. In fact they eat all the left over and rotting food on the bottome of the tank, and in the rocks. So in fact he should help bring your nitrate down. If he hasn't bothered anyone, I would just leave him be.


Active Member
:scared: :scared: :scared:
Originally Posted by mandarin w
I don't know about one that large. I would think he'd be ok. Bristle worms are a very good scavenger in the tank. In fact they eat all the left over and rotting food on the bottome of the tank, and in the rocks. So in fact he should help bring your nitrate down. If he hasn't bothered anyone, I would just leave him be.
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I had one abotu 2 feet in my ten gallon...... i took him out cuz he killed a snail, but i think it wasn't a bristtle, or a crazy bristtle, i found a new one about the size of urs in my tank, untill something dies i wont mind its presence, i hate worms though. i wouldnt worry about him